
2 unusual facts about Rundale Palace

Ināra Tetereva

Since 1997, the Teterev family has been actively and wholeheartedly supporting the reconstruction of Rundāle Palace.

The foundation supports culture initiatives – the completion of Rundāle Palace’s restoration, Riga Russian Theatre () and the Latvian Academy of Music.

Platon Zubov

Following one obscure duel, in which he refused to take part and which resulted in his aide's killing Chevalier de Saxe, son of Prince Francis Xavier of Saxony and cousin of Louis XVI, Zubov withdrew to his Rastrelliesque Rundale Palace in Courland, formerly the seat of the Biron ducal dynasty.

Põltsamaa Castle

Master stucco decorator Johann Michael Graff, whose craftsmanship can still be admired in Rundāle Palace, Latvia, was engaged in the creation of these interiors.

see also