Ryan Jones (Chatham Maroons, Junior B - Miami University, NCAA - Nashville Predators, NHL - Edmonton Oilers, NHL)
The team raced in the LMP class for the season and team principal Jon Field recruited Ryan Jones and Chris Goodwin for the first round of the season at Sebring.
Tom Jones | Tom Jones (singer) | Quincy Jones | Indiana Jones | Norah Jones | James Earl Jones | George Jones | Chuck Jones | John Paul Jones | Paul Ryan | Grace Jones | Ryan Seacrest | Terry Jones | Edward Burne-Jones | Inigo Jones | Catherine Zeta-Jones | Jim Jones | Hank Jones | Ryan Gosling | Ryan Thomas | Ryan Adams | Rickie Lee Jones | Meg Ryan | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | Saving Private Ryan | Ryan Giggs | Rex Ryan | Paula Jones | Buddy Ryan | Blank & Jones |
Indeed, currently it is not uncommon that five or more of the starting fifteen for the Welsh international rugby team would be named Jones (all of the following played in that period and are not immediately related to any of the others: Adam Rhys Jones, Dafydd Jones, Ryan Jones, Stephen Jones, Mark Jones, Adam M. Jones, Alun Wyn Jones, Duncan Jones).