
unusual facts about Sabine River

Joe D. Smith, Jr.

Smith, Sr., was originally from Geneva in Sabine County, Texas, just west of the Sabine River Geneva is considered the oldest continuously occupied town in East Texas.

Joe Henry Cooper

Cooper floor managed the establishment of the Toledo Bend Reservoir, a popular fishing resort on the Sabine River of the Louisiana-Texas boundary, and served on the Sabine authority for eighteen years.

Saint Arnaud, New Zealand

This follows the valley of the Travers River, ascends over the sub-alpine Travers Saddle, the watershed, and then descends the Sabine River valley and gorge to Lake Rotoroa.

Wayne Christian

During the session, Christian worked on lingering issues such as the future of power plants in East Texas, issues surrounding the exploration and production of natural gas in the Haynesville Shale, and settling the 30-year water level problems of Toledo Bend Reservoir on the Sabine River, located on the Texas/Louisiana border.

see also