
5 unusual facts about Saint Blaise

Bromley Palace

The grounds of the palace contained a Holy Well and Oratory dedicated to Saint Blaise and the site became a place of pilgrimage for centuries.

Gott ist mein König, BWV 71

From 1707 to 1708, Bach was the organist of one of Mühlhausen's principal churches, Divi Blasii church (dedicated to St Blaise also called Blaise the Divine), where he composed some of his earliest surviving cantatas.

House blessing

Other blessings, found in Alsace and brought to Pennsylvania, include blessings of the entranceway to a house, stable blessings invoking Saint Leonard or Saint Blasius, blessings against Feuer und Brand addressed to Saint Agatha, and even blessings for house pets addressed to Saint Florentius.

Rüegsau Priory

The priory owned the still-extant chapel of Saint Blaise in the neighbouring hamlet of Rüegsbach, which has the oldest church bells in Switzerland (12th and 13th centuries).

Sandalj Hranić

At the beginning of February 1426 a special ceremony was dedicated to Duke Sandalj and Duchess Jelena in Dubrovnik, when they attended the feast of Saint Blaise, the city's patron saint.

Georg Dietrich Leyding

He returned to Braunschweig the same year, where he succeeded Bölsche as organist of the St Ulrich and St Blasius churches after Bölsche's death, and later also became organist of the Magnikirche.

see also


The center of the town is an old church dedicated to Saint Blaise, the patron saint of Dalmatia.