
unusual facts about Salve a ti, Nicaragua

1972 Nicaragua earthquake

Puerto Rican baseball legend Roberto Clemente and three others died on December 31, 1972, when their airplane crashed after take-off from Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in San Juan, while attempting to fly to Nicaragua with help for earthquake victims.

Andrew B. Dickinson

Dickinson's appointment as U.S. Marshal was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on March 18, 1863, but Edward Dodd was appointed to succeed as U.S. Marshal on April 18, 1863, and Dickinson was on the same day re-appointed as U.S. Minister to Nicaragua.

Anglo-South American Bank

The Commercial Bank traced its ancestry through the Cortés Commercial and Banking Company back to Banco de Nicaragua, founded in Managua in 1888.


Democratic Revolutionary Alliance, (Alianza Revolucionaria Democrática), a Contra group of the Southern Front guerrillas in Nicaragua that fought against the Marxist elements of the original Sandinista revolution in 1979

Arrin Hawkins

Calero also required an alternate in some states, because he was born in Nicaragua; the original candidate Martin Koppel would also have been ineligible.

Arthur Bliss Lane

While working here he met with General Somoza while the President of Nicaragua Sacasa held discussions with rebel leader Augusto César Sandino.

Arturo Fuente

In the 1970s contacts were made between Carlos Fuente, Sr. and a representative of the blossoming Nicaraguan cigar industry and the company soon moved its production to Estelí in the Northwestern part of that Central American country.

Battle of Coyotepe Hill

The Battle of Coyotepe Hill was a significant engagement of the United States occupation of Nicaragua in August through November, 1912 during the insurrection staged by Minster of War General Luis Mena against the government of President Adolfo Díaz.

Carlos Reynaldo Lacayo

Carlos Reynaldo Lacayo Lacayo (born 1950 in Diriamba, Nicaragua).

CIA activities in Iran

Beginning in August 1984, a small group within the US government, in the Iran-Contra affair, arranged for the indirect transfer of arms to Iran, as a means of circumventing the Boland Amendments that were intended, in part, to prevent the expenditure of US funds to support the Nicaraguan Contras.

Cubah Cornwallis

Cubah became so well known for her treatment of the sick that in 1780 when Horatio Nelson, then a captain, fell ill with dysentery during an expedition to Nicaragua, he was taken to her by Admiral Parker, the commander-in-chief of the Royal Naval forces in Jamaica.

Delia Crovi Druetta

She has taught undergraduate and graduate classes in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Nicaragua and Panama, as well as with the Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa.

Dimension Costeña

Dimensión Costeña is a Nicaraguan group that came together in the Caribbean coast of the country in Bluefields.


Nazario Escoto, Nicaraguan politician and President of Nicaragua

Frederick Chatfield

He proposed a route from San Juan del Sur on the Pacific coast to Lake Nicaragua, then down the San Juan River to Greytown.

Fuerzas Populares de Liberación Farabundo Martí

In April 1983 the organization faced a serious internal crisis with the assassination of Mélida Anaya Montes (Commander Ana Maria) in Managua, Nicaragua.

Grisi siknis

Cases of grisi siknis were registered in Nicaragua in March 2009 in Puerto Cabezas and Siuna where many students of the National Institute of Technology and other schools, suffered attacks.

Guillermo Vargas

In August, 2007, Vargas displayed his "Exposición N° 1" in the Códice Gallery in Managua, Nicaragua.

Hanna Gabriel

The fight took place in the Dennis Martinez stadium, Managua, Nicaragua and was part of an evening in posthumous tribute to triple world champion Alexis Arguello, El Flaco Explosivo, considered as one of the greatest boxers of all time.


It was begun at Easter 1975 in Morocco, and completed on Christmas Eve of the same year on Big Corn Island off the coast of Nicaragua (Kurtz 1992, 201).

Henry Kinney

In February 1856, Walker--now head of state--annexed all of the Mosquito Coast, including Kinney's domain, for Nicaragua.

Jeremy I

His court was located near Cabo Gracias a Dios near the Nicaragua-Honduras border, and consisted only of a few houses, not much different from those of his subjects.

Jiquilisco Bay

The discovery of hawksbill nesting in Bahia Jiquilisco and in Estero Padre Ramos (Nicaragua) changed the conservation outlook for this imperiled population and has provided renewed hope for recovery.

John Hollenbeck

John Edward Hollenbeck (1829-1885), American businessman in Nicaragua and Los Angeles

José Coronel Urtecho

One of Coronel′s oldest twin sons, Manuel Coronel Kautz, is currently Nicaragua’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Head Authority of the Nicaragua Great Canal project, currently the largest economical initiative of the country.

L. salvadorensis

Leucaena salvadorensis, a plant species found in El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua

La Paz Centro

La Paz Centro is the home of the Asososca Lagoon Natural Reserve, which is one of the few water reserves in Nicaragua that remains uncontaminated.

Leonel Maciel

His work can be found in the collections of the Museo de Arte in Havana, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Managua, Nicaragua, the Modern Art Museum in Reijkiavik and the Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City.

London Borough of Lambeth

Lambeth also has twinning arrangements with Bluefields in Nicaragua; Moskvoretsky in Russia (although this is abeyance since changes to the city government of Moscow); Brooklyn, New York in the United States; Shinjuku in Japan; and Spanish Town in Jamaica.

Mercedes Soler

Soler has interviewed various high-profile figures during her two decade career including Alberto Fujimori of Peru, Miguel de la Madrid of Mexico, Carlos Menem of Argentina, Violeta Chamorro and Arnoldo Alemán of Nicaragua, Abdalá Bucaram and Gustavo Noboa of Ecuador, and Ernesto Samper of Colombia.

Miraflor Natural Reserve

There are 236 species of birds, among which one can observe Quetzal, Emerald Toucanet, Pájaro Campana (Procnias tricaruntulata), Chestnut-headed Oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri), and the national bird of Nicaragua, Turquoise-browed Motmot, Guardabarranco (Guardian of the stream).

Oscar Danilo Blandón

Oscar Danilo Blandón Reyes (born 1952) headed Nicaragua's agricultural imports under Anastasio Somoza.

Palestinian Nicaraguan

The few Palestinians that managed to buy land for agriculture managed to do so mainly in the Sabana Grande area of the department of Nueva Segovia in northern Nicaragua.


Pelliciera rhizophorae, known as the tea mangrove, is a less-common species of mangroves found along the Pacific coast from the Gulf of Nicoya in Costa Rica to the Esmeraldas River in Ecuador as well as within stands located in Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia.

Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla

With aid from the New Panama Canal Company's New York attorney, William Nelson Cromwell, he persuaded the government to select Panama as the canal site, as opposed to the popular alternative, Nicaragua.

Poor man's tropheus

The Poor man's tropheus, Hypsophrys nematopus is a species of cichlid native to Central America where it can be found in Lake Xiloa, Lake Managua, Lake Masaya and Lake Nicaragua and in riverine habitats on the Atlantic coasts of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

Porfi Altamirano

Born in Ciudad Darío, Nicaragua, Altamirano first became successful in his native country in the 1970s when he pitched for the Estelí team in the Nicaraguan National League, where he broke many records.

Postage stamps and postal history of Costa Rica

Costa Rican stamps were issued overprinted "Guanacaste" in 1885-89 following war with Nicaragua over the sovereignty of Guanacaste.

Proposed Book of Mormon geographical setting

While there are disagreements about where the “narrow neck of land” resides, e.g. southern Mexico, Honduras, the Isthmus of Rivas between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Panama, the following list of theories can all be categorized as Central American based.


Situated in a high mountainous region of Nicaragua lies Quilalí, the remote, large municipal head in the department of Nueva Segovia.

Rafael Quintero

Artime, Quintero and Felix Rodriguez moved to Nicaragua creating an army of 300 men and obtained weapons, supplies and boats to invade Cuba.

Republica United

Republica United is currently working on receiving donations to help schools in Costa Rica, and they look forward to helping Nicaragua and other parts of Central America.

Sandinista Popular Army

Irregular Warfare Battalion (Batallón de Lucha Irregular) Recognizing the need for troops trained for counterinsurgency or anti-guerilla warfare, the Sandinistas began deploying BLIs in 1983, Bli's were special troops that operated in a fastlighting mode or for long period of time, these troops were operating in the deeps of Nicaragua dense jungles, Very well trained to adapt in any climate or terrains and expanded their numbers after instituting the draft.

Sandy Cioffi

She first ventured into video production as a volunteer for Witness for Peace during the Contra War in Nicaragua.

Spencer S. Wood

In November 1888 he was among a group of four officers ordered to Mexico and Central America to make astronomical observations to determine the longitude of Coatzacoalcos and Salina Cruz in Mexico, La Libertad in El Salvador, and San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua; the group then traveled to Washington, D.C., to complete its calculations.

Tan-Sahsa Flight 414

Tan-Sahsa Flight 414 was a scheduled flight from Managua (MGA), Nicaragua to Tegucigalpa (TGU), Honduras.

Warren Terhune

His largest engagement came when President William Howard Taft ordered the United States Marine Corps to Nicaragua in an attempt to put down a rebellion there, primarily out of the city of Managua.

Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary

The filmmakers follow Nayo and Milton (whose surnames are not given), migrants from Chinandega, Nicaragua as they cross through Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States in their attempt to reach Canada.

Yolanda Blanco

Penqueo en Nicaragua was written during the revolutionary fight of the Nicaraguan people that put an end to the regime of Anastasio Somoza.

see also