In the vision, "Ascended Masters," named Saint Germain, Sananda, El Morya, and Kuthumi prophesied changes to the Earth’s land masses by unrolling a large map of North America that showed details of these changes.
For twelve years in the 90s she was the poetry editor of Sananda, the largest circulated Bengali fortnightly (edited by Aparna Sen).
According to some Ascended Master Teaching proponents such as Joshua David Stone, Sheldan Nidle, and Luis Prada, Sananda is the "galactic name" of Ascended Master Jesus, which he uses in his role as Commander-in-Chief of the Ashtar Command flying saucer fleet.
Some famous celebrities who have launched themselves from Sananda Tilottama are Bipasha Basu, Celina Jaitley, Reshmi Ghosh, Tanushree Dutta, Koena Mitra, Dimpy Ganguly and Ushoshi Sengupta.