Bouquet Canyon is one of many canyons branching from the Santa Clarita Valley in Los Angeles County, whose streams feed the Santa Clara River.
Las Vegas Valley | Santa Cruz de la Sierra | Santa Cruz | Santa Barbara, California | Santa Fe | Santa Fe, New Mexico | Santa Barbara | Santa Claus | Santa Catarina (state) | Santa Catarina | University of California, Santa Cruz | Death Valley | Silicon Valley | San Fernando Valley | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Cruz, California | Santa Ana | Santa Ana, California | Santa Maria | Squaw Valley, Placer County, California | Squaw Valley | Santa Monica, California | Santa Fe Province | Shenandoah Valley | Santa Rosa | Santa Maria Capua Vetere | Santa Ana, El Salvador | Willamette Valley | Santa Clara University | St. John's College (Annapolis/Santa Fe) |
Wilk completed a four-year term on the Board of Directors of the Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital Foundation and he served on the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Legislative Committee.
He is a Republican representing the 38th district, encompassing Simi Valley, the northern section of the San Fernando Valley, and most of the Santa Clarita Valley.