
2 unusual facts about Schnyder


Schnyder is used in Switzerland as an alternative spelling of the more common German surname Schneider (tailor).

Immigrants to North America often spelled their name as Snyder.

Adam Taubitz

Adam Taubitz has made numerous recordings as a soloist and as a jazz-musician, and has played together with Kirk Lightsey, Philip Catherine, Famoudou Don Moye, Julio Barreto, David Klein, Andy Scherrer, Emmanuel Pahud, Makaya Ntshoko, Gérard Wyss, Kai Rautenberg, Domenic Landolf, Daniel Schnyder, Thomas Quasthoff, Ole Edvard Antonsen, Angelika Milster, Dieter Hallervorden, Thomas Hampson and Nigel Kennedy.

David Philip Hefti

He has worked with soloists such as Fabio Di Càsola, Thomas Grossenbacher, Thomas Indermühle, Cornelia Kallisch, Wolfgang Meyer, Sylvia Nopper, Oliver Schnyder and with conductors such as Douglas Boyd, Peter Eötvös, Howard Griffiths, Kent Nagano, Michael Sanderling, Jac van Steen, Mario Venzago, Ralf Weikert and David Zinman.

Don Lucas

Mr. Lucas has also commissioned and premiered many works by composers Theodore Antoniou, Gary D. Belshaw, Derek Bourgeouis, Jacques Casterede, Franz Cibulka, Adam Gorb, Alun Hoddinott, Elena Roussanova Lucas, David Maslanka, Daniel Schnyder, and Fisher Tull.

Greedy embedding

For maximal planar graphs, in which every face is a triangle, a greedy planar embedding can be found by applying the Knaster–Kuratowski–Mazurkiewicz lemma to a weighted version of a straight-line embedding algorithm of Schnyder.

see also