Sean Connery | Sean Combs | Sean Penn | Sean McKeown | Sean Hannity | The Sean Hannity Show | Sean Paul | Sean Bean | Sean Parker | Sean Lennon | Sean Kingston | Sean Astin | Jay Sean | Sean Pertwee | Sean O'Keefe | Sean Long | Sean S. Cunningham | Sean Price | Sean Patrick Thomas | Sean Fagan | Big Sean | Sean Young | Sean Parnell | Sean Harris | Seán T. O'Kelly | Sean Rafferty | Sean O'Brien | Sean M. Carroll | Seán Keating | Sean Hall |
Bill Congreve, Sean McMullen and Steve Paulsen's William Atheling Jr award-winning essay, "A History of Australian Horror", notes that "Issue 1 received some criticism for tending towards the splatter end of the genre... A Category One Restricted rating by the Attorney General's department saw it restricted to readers 18 years and older, and banned altogether in the state of Queensland." (Bonescribes: Year's Best Australian Horror 1995, p. 135)
"A History of Australian Horror (with Sean McMullen & Bill Congreve) " – Bonescribes: Year's Best Australian Horror: 1995 (1996) ed.
1995 William Atheling Jr. Award for "The Hunt for Australian Horror Fiction" with Bill Congreve, Sean McMullen, The Scream Factory No. 16.
Author entries (with Sean McMullen) for Conrad Aiken, Gary Crew, Terry Dowling, G. M. Hague, Robert Hood, Victor Kelleher, Rick Kennett, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Rosemary Timperley – St. James Guide to Horror, Ghost & Gothic Writers (St. James Press), ed.