
unusual facts about Second Matabele War

Matabele War

The Second Matabele War (1896–97); also called the Matabeleland Rebellion or the First Chimurenga

Edwin Alderson

He also undertook training at the Staff College, Camberley and in 1896 was sent to Mashonaland as a commander of a regiment of local troops during the Second Matabele War.

First white child

Nada Burnham (May 1894 – May 19, 1896), daughter of the celebrated American scout Frederick Russell Burnham, was the first white child born in Bulawayo and died of fever and starvation during the Siege of Bulawayo in the Second Matabele War.

Jameson Raid

Seizing on this weakness, and a discontent with the British South Africa Company, the Ndebele revolted during March 1896 in what is now celebrated in Zimbabwe as the First War of Independence, the First Chimurenga, but it is better known to most of the world as the Second Matabele War.

Johannesburg Reform Committee

Leander Starr Jameson had been in charge of Matabeleland when he overstepped his authority and invaded Transvaal with 1 500 troops, greatly exacerbating the many adverse conditions that would lead to both the Second Matabele War and the Second Boer War.

see also