
unusual facts about Secretary of War

Alexander Slidell Mackenzie

Mackenzie was captain of the USS Somers when it became the only U.S. Navy ship to undergo a mutiny which led to executions, including Philip Spencer, the nineteen-year-old son of the Secretary of War John C. Spencer.

Bureau of Pensions

Naval pensions were administered by a commission composed of the Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Army from 1799 to 1832.

Cape Poinsett

The cape was plotted from air photos taken by USN Operation Highjump, 1946–48, and named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) after Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War under President Martin Van Buren, who was instrumental in the compilation and publication of the large number of scientific reports based on the work of the United States Exploring Expedition.

Commanding General of the United States Army

The gap from 11 March 1862, to 23 July 1862, was filled with direct control of the army by President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, with the help of an unofficial "War Board" that was established on 17 March 1862.

Cross of Sacrifice

President Coolidge was in attendance and an address was given by Dwight F. Davis, the Secretary of War.

David John Nevin

However, in April 1863 his sentence was disapproved by the Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton and he was released from arrest, and restored to his command.

Edith Guerrier

Included are letters from Secretary of War Newton Diehl Baker and Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt, who then made changes to the letters as they saw fit.

Elting E. Morison

1960 - Elting E. Morison - Turmoil and Tradition, a biography of Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State in the Hoover Administration and later Secretary of War in the Roosevelt Administration, Parkman Prize of the Society of American Historians.

Enos D. Hopping

A personal and political friend of Secretary of War William L. Marcy, Hopping was appointed a brigadier general in the Regular Army by President James K. Polk on March 3, 1847.

Horace Dean

As a result, Governor MacDonnell wrote in 1855 to Jefferson Davis, American Secretary of War to clarify the matter and Davis rejected Dean's claims.

James St. Clair Morton

He would write essays to Secretary of War John B. Floyd regarding Mahan's principals, and on request from Floyd, evaulated Colonel Joseph Totten's plans to defend New York.

Jefferson Barracks Military Post

In 1853, newly elected President Franklin Pierce,who had served as a brigadier general during the Mexican War, appointed Jefferson Davis as his Secretary of War.

John Baptist Smith

In recognition of the valuable contribution that Sgt. Smith had made, the Secretary of War assigned him for special duty with General Whiting at Wilmington.

Lockheed XC-35

The Air Corps brass were so confident in the new technology that they allowed the XC-35 to be used as an executive transport for Louis Johnson, the assistant secretary of war and future Secretary of Defense.

Munson Report

The Munson Report was circulated to several Cabinet officials, including Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, Attorney General Francis Biddle, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull.


On 6 August 1940 Anthony Eden, the British Secretary of War, informed Parliament that the Cabinet had decided to recruit Arab and Jewish units as battalions of the Royal East Kent Regiment (the "Buffs").

Paul E. Watson

By 1937 Watson's team had developed a proto-type "Search Light Control Radar" (SCR-270) apparatus and successfully demonstrated it to the Secretary of War at Fort Monmouth.

Stanton College Preparatory School

The school was a wooden structure and was named in honor of Edwin McMasters Stanton, President Abraham Lincoln's second Secretary of War.

William A. Winder

In October 1866, he tendered his resignation, believing that the "Secretary of War was unfriendly to him."

William Babcock Hazen

Hazen offered testimony in one of the procurement corruption scandals that rocked the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant, which resulted in the resignation of Grant's Secretary of War, William W. Belknap.

William L. Clayton

He was a member of the Interim Committee appointed to advise Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson and President Harry S. Truman on problems expected to arise from the development of the atomic bomb and he was an economic advisor to Truman at the Potsdam Conference.

see also

1792 contract rifle

In January 1792, Henry Knox, the Secretary of War for the period, authorized former General Edward Hand to contract with manufacturers for the rifles.

32nd Regiment Alabama Infantry

His offer to Secretary of War James Seddon included a proposal to arm each enlisted man in his regiment with a Bowie knife and a pike.

Ann, Lady Fanshawe

In 1644 she married her second cousin, Richard (later Sir Richard) Fanshawe (1608–1666), Secretary of War to Prince Charles.

Anna Ella Carroll

Based on this information Carroll wrote a memorandum that she sent to Assistant Secretary of War Thomas A. Scott and Attorney General Edward Bates in late November 1861, advocating that the combined army-navy forces change their invasion route from the Mississippi to the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers.

Ausable Club

Club members have included Harvard president James Conant, clergyman Henry Sloane Coffin, aeronautical engineer Jerome Hunsaker, painter Harold Weston, and US Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, who blazed a trail up nearby Noonmark Mountain that is still in use.

Bodmin by-election, 1906

The Conservatives alleged that the Government was planning to make up to 20,000 soldiers unemployed, a claim rejected by the Secretary of War, Richard Haldane.

Browder J. Thompson

Thompson was co-director of RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey, from 1942 until December, 1943, when he accepted a special assignment for the Secretary of War.

Charles H. Marsh

Marsh protested to Confederate Secretary of War James Seddon, arguing that the area where he was captured was Union-held, and he should thus be considered a prisoner of war rather than a spy.

Confederate settlements in British Honduras

Well-known Confederates who went to British Honduras included Colin J. McRae (former Confederate Financial Agent in Europe) and Joseph Benjamin (brother of Confederate Secretary of War Judah P. Benjamin).

Donald M. Nelson

Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson regularly criticized Nelson for his "inability to take charge".

Edwards–Lincoln–Porter family

James Madison Porter (1793-1862), Pennsylvania State Court Judge 1839-1840 1850-1853, U.S. Secretary of War 1843-1844, member of the Pennsylvania Legislature 1849.

Elihu Root House

President William McKinley appointed him Secretary of War in 1899 and he continued in this capacity under Theodore Roosevelt.

Elizabeth Selden Rogers

Her sister was Mabel Wellington White, wife of US Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, she was also the maternal granddaughter of Union Major General Amos Beebe Eaton and a descendant of Roger Sherman, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Felix A. Sommerfeld

The task brought Sommerfeld close to General Hugh Lenox Scott and American Secretary of War, Lindley Miller Garrison, both of whom he assisted numerous times when American citizens found themselves in trouble in Mexico.

Ferenc Ottinger

After the Batthyány Government formed, it offered him a post as Secretary of War, but he rejected it.

First American Regiment

In 1786, Secretary of War Henry Knox ordered Col. Harmar to the outpost village of Vincennes to drive away the Kentucky militia, who fled at the approach of the First American Regiment.

Frederick Fermor-Hesketh, 2nd Baron Hesketh

Hesketh was the son of Thomas Fermor-Hesketh, 1st Baron Hesketh, and Florence Louise Breckinridge, of Kentucky, daughter of John Witherspoon Breckinridge, and granddaughter of General (CSA) John C. Breckinridge, Vice-President of the United States of America and Secretary of War for the Confederate States of America, in 1909.

George W. Biegler

However, some accounts indicate that the award was not presented to Biegler until October 17, 1927 by then-Secretary of War Dwight F. Davis.

George William Manby

In 1803, his pamphlet An Englishman's Reflexions on the Author of the Present Disturbances, on Napoleon's plans to invade England, came to the attention of the Secretary of War, Charles Yorke, who was impressed and recommended Manby to be appointed as Barrack-Master at Great Yarmouth.

Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mountjoy and Lancaster Railroad

--R.D. Carson of Lancaster was the Railroad’s first President.-->Simon Cameron of Middletown, and later Secretary of War under President Abraham Lincoln, and James Buchanan, of Lancaster were among the group of founders.

Henry C. Hodges

In 1853, the Secretary of War Jefferson Davis ordered an exploration of the Northwest for the purposes of a transcontinental railroad.

Henry D. Lindsley

His father was a judge and his maternal uncle, Jacob M. Dickinson, was a judge and the Secretary of War in President Taft's Cabinet.

Henry Howard Whitney

In 1898, under orders from the Secretary of War, he disguised himself as an English sailor, communicated with General Máximo Gómez, and made a military reconnaissance of the island of Puerto Rico, thereby gaining the information upon which General Nelson A. Miles based the Puerto Rican Campaign.

Henry L. Stimson Center

The Center draws inspiration from the life and work of Henry L. Stimson, whose bipartisan service to five presidents included appointments as Secretary of War for Presidents William Howard Taft, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Harry Truman, and Secretary of State for President Herbert Hoover.

Ira W. Jayne

Secretary of War Newton D. Baker appointed the judge to the recreational activities duty for United States Army camps in 1917 during World War I.

Jacob Dickinson

Jacob M. Dickinson (1851–1928), United States Secretary of War, 1909–1911

John Biggs, Jr.

He was in private practice in Wilmington from 1922 to 1937, serving as a civilian aide to Secretary of War for Delaware from 1923 to 1937, and as a Referee in Bankruptcy for the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware from 1924 to 1932.

John H. Ray

He was an assistant to special representative of Secretary of War Newton D. Baker in 1919.

John Heckewelder

In 1792, at the request of the secretary of war, he accompanied Gen. Rufus Putnam to Post Vincennes to treat with the Indians.

John McCloy

John J. McCloy (1895–1989), American public official who served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II, president of World Bank, High Commissioner for Germany, presidential advisor and member of Warren Commission

John Weeks

John W. Weeks (1860–1926), U.S. Senator from Massachusetts and Secretary of War

Joseph E. Johnston

Later that year, a new Secretary of War replaced Jefferson Davis—John B. Floyd, a native of Abingdon, a cousin of Johnston's by marriage, and former guardian of Preston Johnston.

Military history of the Philippines during World War II

On July 25, 1941, US Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson requested that US President Franklin D. Roosevelt issue orders calling the military forces of the Commonwealth into active service for the United States.

Nathan Gregory Silvermaster

Silvermaster denied any Communist links and appealed to Under Secretary of War Robert Patterson to overrule the security officials.


On 9 March 1791, U.S. Secretary of War Henry Knox issued orders from President George Washington to Brigadier General Charles Scott of Kentucky to lead a punitive expedition against the Wea settlements in the Wabash Valley.

Radical Republican

Lincoln put all factions in his cabinet, including Radicals like Salmon P. Chase (Secretary of the Treasury), whom he later appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, James Speed (Attorney General) and Edwin M. Stanton (Secretary of War).

Ralph Bown

He was also an expert in radar, and served as a division member and consultant of the National Defense Research Committee and expert consultant to the Secretary of War; in 1941 he visited England to study radar in combat operations.

Ralph Waldo Tyler

In 1918, a committee overseen by Emmett J. Scott, who was then serving as the Special Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of War, selected Tyler to be stationed in the northeast Metz region of France along with General John J. Pershing's brigade.

Robert Swartwout

Following the death of General Leonard Covington at the Battle of Chrysler's field, he was appointed Brigadier General and 9th Quartermaster General of the US Army on March 21, 1813, by President James Madison through Secretary of War John Armstrong.

St. Louis Arsenal

This action had been ordered over a week before by Secretary of War Simon Cameron, but blocked by General Harney's refusal to execute his orders.

The Angle

The nearby field along the Emmitsburg Road was also the site of Gettysburg Battlefield camps after the American Civil War such as Eisenhower's 1918 Camp Colt, the 1938 Army Camp with the Secretary of War's quarters, and a WWII POW stockade.

The Imperial Cruise

They included Secretary of War (and future President) William Howard Taft; Roosevelt's daughter, Alice Roosevelt; her future husband, Congressman (and later Speaker of the House) Nicholas Longworth; along with 29 other members of the House and Senate, and their wives; and an array of additional high-ranking military and civilian officials.

The Price of Rendova

The film begins with an introduction by Robert Patterson, Under-Secretary of War, who informs the audience that the taking of the islands brings the military "that much closer to Japan" reminds them to keep up war production.

Two Down and One to Go

Presented by the Secretary of War (Henry Stimson) and narrated by Army Chief of Staff George Marshall, the film is notable for its heavy use of animated graphics, spliced with stock footage.

Walter M. Brackett

He was one of the artists engaged by Secretary of War William W. Belknap in the early 1870s to execute portraits of the line of succession of the secretaries, and he painted the portraits of Timothy Pickering, Samuel Dexter, William Eustis, and Henry Dearborn, all prominent residents of his native state.

Warren Atherton

Atherton was consultant to the Secretary of War and envoy to Nelson Rockefeller, Coordinator of International Affairs.

William A. Winder

In January 1867, he applied to the President for reinstatement, stating, "My resignation was tendered while under the impression that the honorable Secretary of War was unfriendly toward me."

William B. Campbell

In early 1862, after the Union Army occupied Middle Tennessee, Assistant Secretary of War Thomas A. Scott recommended Campbell for military governor, but the appointment went to Andrew Johnson.