
unusual facts about Semiotext


Bell Gothic

The typeface was used as a display and caption face by Metropolis magazine, by Canadian graphic designer Bruce Mau in designing the initial ZONE book series, Dutch graphic designer Irma Boom, and has been widely used by Semiotext(e) Books, the MIT Press, and Dia Art Foundation.

Gordon Stevenson

Baltimore-based actress Cookie Mueller wrote about Gordon Stevenson, and quotes a personal letter from him written during his illness, in Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black, published by Semiotext(e) after her death, also from AIDS, in 1989.

I Love Dick

Later identified as Dick Hebdige, "Dick"'s sporadic presence in Chris's life changes her thinking about her marriage (to philosopher and Semiotext(e) founder Sylvère Lotringer) and to her work, as well.

Michèle Bernstein

All the King's Horses has been translated into English by John Kelsey (Semiotext(e)/Native Agents, 2008).

see also