
8 unusual facts about Senusret III


Lived under the reigns of Amenemhat II, Senusret II and Senusret III, Djehutihotep was one of the most powerful nomarchs of the Middle Kingdom; his tomb is the only one of the necropolis of Deir el-Bersha which wasn't damaged by the quarrymen's explosives, and is well known for the great quality of its decorations.


Ikhernofret (also Iykhernofert) was an Ancient Egyptian treasurer of the Twelfth Dynasty, under king Senusret III.


She is mainly known from her small pyramid next to the one of Senusret III at Dahshur.

Pyramid of Khendjer

The pyramid complex of Khendjer is located between the pyramid of Pepi II and the pyramid of Senusret III in South Saqqara.

Sebek-khu Stele

The Sebek-khu Stele, also known as the Stele of Khu-sobek, is an inscription in honour of a man named Khu-sobek (Sebek-khu) who lived during the reign of Senusret III (reign: 1878 – 1839 BC) discovered by John Garstang in 1901 outside outside Khu-sobek's tomb at Abydos, Egypt, and now housed in the Manchester Museum.


In Manetho, however, a pharaoh called Sesostris occupied the same position as the known pharaoh Senusret III of the Twelfth Dynasty, and his name is now usually viewed as a corruption of Senwosret.


Next to the pyramid of king Senusret III were found underground galleries as a burial place for royal women.

Sothic cycle

The second observation is clearly a reference to a heliacal rising, and is believed to date to the seventh year of Senusret III.

see also