
6 unusual facts about Serer people

Diourbel Region

Bawol (or Baol) is an ancient kingdom formerly ruled by the Joof family, one of the members of the Serer ethnic group found in Senegambia.


An annual royal festival is celebrated in which the OMaad (Serer king), Djaraaf (Serer prime minister) and other dignitaries meet to decide kingdom issues and hold pageants celebrating the history of Saloum and the Serer people.

Kahone is the royal seat of the Serer Kingdom of Saloum which has ruled there since the 15th century after the Battle of Turubang (1335) and centuries previous to that.

Also, the town is pursuing increased tourism based on its ancient Serer culture.

Niakhar Arrondissement

According to Serer cosmogony, the Saas tree (acacia albida) which is considered to be a fertlity tree and a tree of life among the Serers is abundant in this area which assist in crop rotation and intensive farming.

Thiès Region

The Thiès Region has always been occupied by the Serer people since the ancient Serers and their ancestors.

Blaise Diagne

Born from a Serer father, Niokhor Diagne and a Manjack mother originating in Guinea-Bissau, Gnagna Anthony Preira, Galaye Mbaye Diagne was born in Gorée, Senegal, he was later adopted by a Christian family who baptised him Blaise.

Lamane Jegan Joof

According to the oral tradition of the Serer people, Jegan Joof migrated from Lambaye following a dispute with his cousin, the king of Lambaye.


Gravrand, Henry, "La Civilisation Sereer, vol. 1, Cosaan : les origines", Nouvelles éditions africaines, Dakar; Présence africaine, Paris, 1983, ISBN 2-7236-0877-8

see also

Diourbel Region

The population is overrun by the Serer people especially those from the Cangin group, the Safene in particular.


Lamane, the landed gentry as well the title of ancient kings of the Serer people