Sextus Empiricus | Sextus Pompey | Lucius Tarquinius Priscus | Sextus Roscius | Lucius Tarquinius Superbus | Tarquinius | Sextus Pompeius Festus | Sextus Aelius Paetus Catus |
He was the first Suffect Consul of Rome and was also the father of Lucretia, whose rape by Sextus Tarquinius, followed by her suicide, resulted in the dethronement of King Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, therefore directly precipitating the founding of the Roman Republic.
In 509 BC the Roman monarchy was overthrown as a result of general resentment at the behaviour of the king Tarquinius Superbus, and especially his son Sextus Tarquinius who had raped Lucretia, a Roman woman of noble background.