
unusual facts about Shag Rocks, South Georgia

Shepherd's beaked whale

There have been five unconfirmed sightings (mostly from New Zealand), as well as a "probable" sighting near Shag Rocks and four confirmed sightings—the first two confirmed sightings occurred in 1985, within a few minutes of each other, off the Tristan da Cunha group (first sighting at 37°18'S, 12°32'W); the third in 2002 near Gough Island (40°19'S, 9°53'W); and the fourth in 2004 south of Tasmania (48°50'S, 150°06'E).

Alec Trendall

He is known for his work in mapping the island of South Georgia and for surveying the geology of Western Australia.

Trendall Crag, 1,005 m, overlooking the north side of Drygalski Fjord at the southeast end of South Georgia, was named to commemorate Alec Trendall's contribution.

Callophyllis variegata

But also in New Guinea, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, St. Paul Island (Indian Ocean), Antarctic and subantarctic islands such as the Graham Land, Kerguelen, Macquarie Island, South Georgia, and the South Orkney Islands.

Caradog Jones

On 25 January 2001 Jones made the first ascent, solo, of the highest of the Three Brothers peaks (2008m) at the north west end of the Allardyce Range range on South Georgia.

Chiloé Wigeon

Vagrants have been observed in South Georgia, South Orkney and the South Shetland Islands.

Chinstrap Penguin

The Chinstrap Penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) is a species of penguin which is found in the South Sandwich Islands, Antarctica, Deception Island, the South Orkneys, South Shetland,South Georgia, Bouvet Island and Balleny.

Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute

This was expanded in 1908, when in addition to South Georgia claimed in 1775, and the South Shetland Islands claimed in 1820 the UK unilaterally declared sovereignty over more Antarctic territory south of the Falklands, including the South Sandwich Islands, the South Orkney Islands, and Graham Land, grouping them into the Falkland Islands Dependencies.

Giant petrel

Both species are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere, and though their distributions overlap greatly with both species breeding on the Prince Edward Islands, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands, Macquarie Island and South Georgia, many Southern Giant Petrel nest further south, with colonies as far south as Antarctica.

Linda Kitson

She drew continuously, recording training and preparation; the transfer at South Georgia to SS Canberra, the landings at San Carlos Bay, the deployment of the forces to Goose Green, Fitzroy, Darwin, and Port Stanley.

North Isles

These also happen to be the most northerly British territorial claims currently in existence, since Canadian independence, in contradistinction to those of Cornwall, which only represent the southernmost parts of the UK, and not those of British overseas territories, such as the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and British Antarctic Territory.

see also