
unusual facts about Sherman tank

Erwin Bachmann

Mounted on a motorcycle, he attacked and destroyed a Sherman tank with a Panzerfaust in Herrlisheim, more Allied tanks were destroyed by the accompanying Panther tanks and in the following fighting 60 prisoners were taken and 20 Germans that had been captured by the Americans were released and rearmed, also 12 Sherman tanks were captured intact.

John Brunt

Then, leaping on a Sherman tank supporting the Company, he ordered the tank commander to drive from one fire position to another, whilst he sat, or stood, on the turret, directing Besa fire at the advancing enemy, regardless of the hail of small arms fire.

Moe Hurwitz

Although missing one of its usual four Sherman tanks, and without infantry support, the group of 15 Grenadiers assaulted the flank of the main enemy defensive position in front of the village of Cintheaux.

Northamptonshire Yeomanry

It was during Operation Totalize that Joe Ekins a Sherman Tank gunner of the Northamptonshire Yeomanry gained recognition for killing the renowned German tank commander, Michael Wittmann, the 4th top scoring tank ace in history, on August 8, 1944 near St. Aignan de Cramesnil, France.

Slapton, Devon

A Sherman tank that was sunk in this action has been recovered and now stands on the road behind the beach at nearby Torcross.

Tommy cooker

The term also came to be applied by the German tank crews as a derogatory nickname for the Sherman tank whose earlier models acquired a reputation for bursting up in flames when hit.

Warren, Michigan

Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant which built a quarter of the Sherman tanks produced by the United States in World War II, and which produced M1 Abrams tank (along with a plant in Lima, Ohio) until 1996.

see also

Flame tank

While the British used a squadron of Churchill Crocodiles during the fighting at Brest in September 1944, the US Army received a smaller American designed flamethrower mounted upon the M4 Sherman tank during the same month.


Sherman M-51, an Israeli modification of American M4 Sherman tank