
unusual facts about Siam

Alan Edelman

He has received numerous awards, among them the Gordon Bell Prize and Householder Prize (1990), the Chauvenet Prize (1998), the Edgerly Science Partnership Award (1999), the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Prize (2000), and the Lester R. Ford Award, (2005, with Gilbert Strang).

Andreas Troeger

He recently traveled to Cambodia as director of photography to shoot and edit a documentary about Robert Clark (National Geographic Photographer) using a Nokia cellphone camera to document Phnom Penh and Siam Reep (Angkor Wat).

Andrew M. Stuart

He has won numerous awards, including the 1989 Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis, and the SIAM James Wilkinson and Germund Dahlquist Prizes in 1997.

Bangkok Treaty

Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Siam determining the border between Thailand and Malaya

Banteay Meanchey Province

In the 1795 Siam took control over Western Cambodia, and made the area into Siamese province of Inner Cambodia with the administration capital in Phra Tabong (Battambang).

Battledore and Shuttlecock

There are Greek drawings extant representing a game almost identical with battledore and shuttlecock, and it has been popular in India, China, Japan, and Siam for at least 2,000 years.

Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv

The project was initiated in September 1900 by the psychology professor Carl Stumpf, after the visit to Germany of a music theater group from Siam, which Stumpf recorded on Edison cylinders with the assistance of the Berlin physician Otto Abraham.

Bombing of Bangkok in World War II

Three RAF squadrons were represented in Siam during the brief occupation: No. 20 Squadron RAF with Spitfire VIII aircraft, No. 211 Squadron RAF with de Havilland Mosquito VI aircraft, and a detachment of No. 685 Squadron RAF with Mosquito photo-reconnaissance aircraft.

Burney Treaty

This followed Dr. John Crawfurd's 1822 mission to the court of King Rama II, the principle objective of which was to determine Siam's position on the Malay states.

Cherd Songsri

Among his other works are Puen Pang (1987), about two sisters in love with the same man; Muen and Rid (1994), a true story from Rama IV-era Siam about a woman who petitioned King Mongkut to make equal rights for women; and Tawipob (1990), the first film adaptation of a novel by Thommayanti, about a modern-day socialite who time travels back to Rama V-era Siam and becomes involved in the political and diplomatic intrigue of the day.

Chula-Siam Monorail

First routes planned to start construction around early 2012 along Phaya Thai Road from Sam Yan to Siam Square, connecting Siam Station of BTS Skytrain and Sam Yan Station of MRT Blue Line.

Claude de Forbin

He became governor of Bangkok and a general in the Siamese army, and left Siam shortly before King Narai fell ill and was deposed by a Coup d'état.

Dark ages of Cambodia

But the Siamese conquest of the new capital at Longvek in 1594 marked a downturn in the country's fortunes and Cambodia became a pawn in power struggles between its two increasingly powerful neighbors, Siam and Vietnam.

Duarte Fernandes

In 1511, soon after the Portuguese conquest of Malacca, knowing of Siamese ambitions over Malay, Afonso de Albuquerque immediately sent him in a diplomatic mission to the court of the King of Siam Ramathibodi II, traveling in a Chinese junk returning home.


In 1766, the Burmese armies again invaded Siam—through Mergui under Mahanoratha and Lanna under Neimyo Thihapate after subjugating Lanna and Laotian kingdoms.

El Factor X

A second series followed in 2006 won by Francisco Villarreal and a third one, after a 2-year hiatus, in 2009 won by the duo Siam.

English Racing Automobiles

Two Siamese princes, Chula Chakrabongse and Bira Birabongse, whose trio of ERAs became famous as "Hanuman", "Romulus" and "Remus", ran their own team, operating from The White Mouse Garage.

Hans Lippershey

Lippershey's application for a patent was mentioned at the end of a diplomatic report on an embassy to Holland from the Kingdom of Siam sent by the Siamese king Ekathotsarot: Ambassades du Roy de Siam envoyé à l'Excellence du Prince Maurice, arrivé à La Haye le 10 Septemb. 1608 (Embassy of the King of Siam sent to his Excellency Prince Maurice, arrived at The Hague on September 10, 1608).

House of Abhaiwongse

The Abhaiwongse family, a branch of the Cambodian royal family, governed Phra Tabong Province, Thailand (modern Battambang Province, Cambodia) for six generations from the late 18th century, when Siam annexed the Khmer territories, until 1907, when the area was ceded to French Indochina effectively reuniting it with Cambodia.

Immigration Act of 1924

The Act barred specific origins from the Asia–Pacific Triangle, which included Japan, China, the Philippines (then under U.S. control), Siam (Thailand), French Indochina (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia), Singapore (then a British colony), Korea, Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), Burma, India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Malaya (mainland part of Malaysia).

Irwin B. Laughlin

In 1906, he was secretary to the American legation in Bangkok and Consul General of Siam.

Isaq Schrijver

This was a Portuguese vessel with 150 crew, commanded by Don Emmanual Da Silva, en route from Goa to Portugal and bearing diplomatic gifts from Narai, King of Siam to Pedro, King of Portugal, Louis XIV of France and Charles II of England.

Islam in Thailand

According to a 1685 account of a Persian diplomat as well as notes of the French traveler Guy Tachard, there was a substantial Shi'a Persian community in Siam at the time, with the ritual ta'zieh performances subsidized by the Siamese king.

James W. Davidson

Leaving in 1914, he spent CAN$250,000 of his own money to establish branches of Rotary International in Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Jerusalem, Burma, Siam (Thailand), Java, and in several of the Malay states including Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Penang, Ipoh, Klang and Singapore.

Japanese cruiser Yodo

In November 1911, Yodowas dispatched to Bangkok, Siam as part of the Japanese naval delegation attending the coronation ceremonies for King Rama VI of Thailand.

John Taylor Jones

Rev. Dr. John Taylor Jones (July 16, 1802 – September 13, 1851) was one of the earliest Protestant missionaries to Siam (now Thailand) with his wife, Eliza Grew Jones.

Kim Jeong-hui

He used various Ho (pen-names): Wandang (阮堂), Chusa (秋史), Yedang (禮堂), Siam (詩庵), Gwapa (果坡), Nogwa (老果) etc. (some 200 in all).

Lost in the Funhouse

In "Petition", one half of a pair of Siamese twins, joined at the stomach to his brother's back, writes a petition in 1931 to Prajadhipok, King of Siam (now Thailand), protesting his brother's not acknowledging his existence.


Built in 1935 and based upon Rand McNally political maps published the previous year, the Mapparium shows the political world as it was at that time, including such long-disused labels as Italian East Africa and Siam, as well as more-recently defunct political entities such as the Soviet Union.

Maria Newell

On 16 February 1831 Maria gave birth to twin daughters at Bangkok, Siam.

Mathematical Contest in Modeling

The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) is a multi-day mathematics competition held annually in USA, during the first or second weekend in February, since 1985 by COMAP and sponsored by SIAM, the NSA, and INFORMS.

Miss Suwanna of Siam

The story involves a likay performer (portrayed by Pongsak Pongsuwan) in 1923 Siam who finds his family's troupe being evicted from his theater to make way for a new phenomenon being brought to Siam by foreigners – film.

Moesgård Museum

The house is around 100 years old and originally from Ayutthaya – the old capital of Siam, 200 km north of Bangkok.

Quote notation

It was invented by Eric Hehner of the University of Toronto, and published in the SIAM Journal on Computation, v.8, n.2, May 1979, pp.

Ramathibodi II

Though unable to conquer Malacca, Siam managed to exact tributes from the Malacca sultanate and other sultanates like Pattani, Pahang, and Kelantan.

Royal Palace, Phnom Penh

At the time that King Norodom (1860–1904) the eldest son of King Ang Duong, who ruled on behalf of Siam, signed the Treaty of Protection with France in 1863, the capital of Cambodia resided at Oudong, about 45 kilometers northeast of Phnom Penh.

Ryukyu Kingdom

Ryukyuan ships, often provided by China, traded at ports throughout the region, which included, among others, China, Đại Việt (Vietnam), Korea, Japan, Java, Malacca, Pattani, Palembang, Siam, and Sumatra.

Siam Sinfonietta

Siam Sinfonietta is a youth orchestra founded in 2010 by Thai/American composer Somtow Sucharitkul, Thai conductor Trisdee na Patalung, and the Bangkok Opera Foundation.

Siam Square

Siam Square's first buildings were constructed in 1970 on land belonging to Chulalongkorn University.

Siam Square is owned by Chulalongkorn University and is managed by its Property Management Office, known as the Chula Property.

Siem Reap Province

The province came under the control of the Thai kingdom of Siam in 1795 and was later returned to Cambodia in 1907 after French made a treaty with Siam for exchange of Trat and Dan Sai for the Siamese province of Inner Cambodia which included Phra Tabong (Battambang),Siemmarat (Siem Reap), and Nakhon Wat (Angkor Wat).

Tahar Douis

Tahar's striking good looks and clean-shaven head have drawn comparisons to the late Yul Brynner as portrayed in the King of Siam.

The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants

Peter Antonelli, reviewing the book in SIAM Review, writes that it presents a "beautifully designed 'coffee-table-book'" summary of Lindenmayer's school of thought, explaining how Algorithmic Language Theory, like Noam Chomsky's theory of grammar, can describe how repeated structural units can arrange themselves.

Time in Thailand

Prior to 1 January 1901 - locations in Siam with an Astronomical Observatory would adopt the local mean time based on the Observatory's geographical position.

William Nunn

Mr Nunn was also a British diplomat and was the final British Ambassador to Siam(now Thailand)and in his latter days would recount stories of his 'adventures' there to the children whom he knew.

see also