Evening Shade | 110 in the Shade | A Whiter Shade of Pale | Siam Square | Nancy Shade | Urban Renewal (tribute album) | The Enchanter Completed: A Tribute Anthology for L. Sprague de Camp | Shade | Shade (comics) | We're a Happy Family: A Tribute to Ramones | Tribute Games | Shade Gap, Pennsylvania | Shade Business | Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute | Miss Suwanna of Siam | Making God Smile: An Artists' Tribute to the Songs of Beach Boy Brian Wilson | Made in the Shade | Kingdom of Siam | Hot in the Shade | Daddy Rockin Strong: A Tribute to Nolan Strong & The Diablos | Canadian Tribute to Human Rights | A Different Shade | World's Only Female Tribute to Iron Maiden | Wish I'd Kept A Scrapbook: A Tribute to Tullycraft | Walking Shade | ''Tribute to the Suffragettes'' memorial in Christchurch | Tribute Records | Tribute of the Maltese Falcon | Take a Bite Outta Rhyme: A Rock Tribute to Rap | So Amazing: An All-Star Tribute to Luther Vandross |
~Shimokawa Mikuni Seishun Anisonkaba III~, and by both Jani Lane and Acid Black Cherry for the tribute album Siam Shade Tribute.