
2 unusual facts about Silver Circle

Golden Circle

Silver Circle, the second tier of English law firms; also known as the Golden Circle

Silver Circle

White shoe firms or Charmed Circle, referring to law firms perceived to be the leading New York City law firms.

Big Five law firms

Golden Circle, a term used for example, by The Economist, or Silver Circle coined by The Lawyer magazine in 2005 to describe mid-market or boutique law firms in the UK with profits per partner levels similar to those of the Magic Circle but being much smaller in terms of overall turnover and numbers of lawyers

Big Six law firms

Golden Circle (used by The Economist, for example; also Silver Circle, which was coined by The Lawyer magazine in 2005): mid-market or boutique law firms in the UK with profits per partner levels similar to those of the Magic Circle but being much smaller in terms of overall turnover and numbers of lawyers

see also

Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards

The Litchfield Park, Arizona division was founded in 1980, and is responsible for granting the Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards, awarding scholarships, honouring industry veterans at the Silver Circle Celebration, conducting National Student Television Awards of Excellence, and operates a free research and a nationwide job bank.