
unusual facts about Sir Thomas Browne


The encyclopaedist Sir Thomas Browne wrote a Latin essay on Athenaeus which reflects a revived interest in the Banquet of the Learned amongst scholars following the publication of the Deipnosophistae in 1612 by the Classical scholar Isaac Casaubon.

Sexuality of William Shakespeare

:Since modern readers are unused to such ardor in masculine friendship and are likely to leap at the notion of homosexuality (a notion sufficiently refuted by the sonnets themselves), we may remember that such an ideal, often exalted above the love of women, could exist in real life, from Montaigne to Sir Thomas Browne, and was conspicuous in Renaissance literature.

Simon Wilkin

Wilkin compiled an edition of Sir Thomas Browne (1836; reissued in 1852) for which he researched Browne's correspondence in the British Museum and Bodleian Library.

see also