
unusual facts about Sligo Town

Bus Éireann

Additional services within Ireland include city services in Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford and town services in Athlone, Balbriggan, Drogheda, Dundalk, Navan and Sligo.

Northern Media Group

The Irish News is a successful Northern Irish daily, the Alpha Newspaper Group is the largest weekly newspaper group and River Media is one of the fastest growing media companies in the Republic of Ireland, owning thirteen newspaper titles and two radio stations: Ocean FM in Sligo Town and Kfm in Kildare.

see also

Cuimre na nGenealach

The original manuscript was lost sometime after 1706, but it survives in two, apparently incomplete, 18th century transcripts, now RIA MS 25 N2, by an unknown scribe, and Maynooth Irish MS B 8, by Henry MacCarrick, a merchant of Sligo town.