
unusual facts about Smithsonian ''Museum of Natural History''

Andrew Cockburn

Apart from his books he has written for National Geographic, Los Angeles Times, The London Review of Books, Smithsonian, Vanity Fair, Harper's Magazine, CounterPunch, Condé Nast Traveler, New York Times, and the Dungarvan Observer.

Anna M. Harkness

Anna Harkness also made gifts to Hampton and Tuskegee Institutes, the New York Public Library, the Museum of Natural History in New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York Zoological Society and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Bombing of Sofia in World War II

The Bulgarian National Theatre, the Bulgarian Agricultural Bank, the Theological Faculty of Sofia University, the Museum of Natural History, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and other buildings were damaged but subsequently reconstructed.

Buddleja rufescens

The species is grown at the Museum of Natural History, Lima, and the University of California Botanical Garden, Berkeley.

Colin Woodard

His work has appeared in dozens of publications including The Economist, Smithsonian, The Washington Post, Newsweek/The Daily Beast, Bloomberg View, Washington Monthly, and Down East, where he was a contributing editor.

Erbessa lamasi

The species is named in honor of Gerardo Lamas Muller, Director of the Museo de Historia Natural, Lima, Peru, and curator in the Departamento de Entomologıa.

Erin Trieb

Her photographs could be found in such newspapers as The Financial Times, The Times in London, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Newsweek, and in such magazines as Forbes, Time, Texas Monthly, GEO, Smithsonian and Der Spiegel.

Hans-Wilhelm Koepcke

He then traveled to Peru where he started work at the Javier Prado Museum of Natural History in Lima, an institution affiliated with the National University of San Marcos.

Loren McIntyre

Over the following years McIntyre's photos and articles would appear in more than 500 publications, including Time, Life, Smithsonian, GEO, Audubon, and South American Explorer.

Lucie Rault

She is master of conference in the Museum of Natural History, and was chief of the department of ethnomusicology of the Musée de l'Homme.

Mammal Species of the World

Full online versions are hosted by the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and Bucknell University, and a partial online version is available at Google Books (see "External links" below).

Marc Leepson

His work has appeared in many magazines and newspapers, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, and Smithsonian, Preservation, and Military History magazines.

Tomas van Houtryve

He also published a lot of photographs in the following magazines and newspapers; Time, The New York Times, Newsweek, Le Figaro, Le Monde, The Independent Magazine, GEO, Smithsonian, Stern, Foreign Policy and National Geographic.

see also