
5 unusual facts about Socialist Workers Party

British Left

Aside from Labour the biggest leftist parties are the Green Party, Respect and the Socialist Workers Party.

Other groups include the Socialist Workers Party, Workers' Revolutionary Party, the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, Socialist Party and Socialist Appeal.

By the time of the 2008 Greater London Authority elections, the Socialist Workers Party had left the coalition amid an acrimonious dispute with George Galloway and instead contested the elections as the Left List with Lindsey German as candidate (coming eighth).

Chanie Rosenberg

Chanie Rosenberg (born 1922) is a South African-born artist, former teacher and socialist who is the sister of Michael Kidron, the widow of Tony Cliff, and a founder member of the Socialist Workers Party in Britain.


The term, often used pejoratively by liberal anti-fascists eschewing physical violence, originated in the Anti-Nazi League, a broad-based anti-fascist campaigning organisation dominated by the heterodox Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party (SWP).

Atlanta mayoral election, 1973

Other candidates were former Atlanta Police Officer John Chambers, Socialist Workers Party activist Debby Bustin, Hare Krishna community leader William Ogle, attorney John Genins, Betty Morrison, Ernest Moschella and write-in candidate Howard Tucker.


Some political parties have duumvirates, sometimes, such as is the case of Lindsey German and John Rees in the Socialist Workers Party in Britain.

Eamonn McCann

A Trotskyist and outspoken atheist, he is a prominent member of the Socialist Workers Party in Ireland, and in recent Northern Ireland elections has stood as a candidate for the Socialist Environmental Alliance.

Far-left politics

In the United States, John George and Laird Wilcox have identified the Communist Party USA, Socialist Workers Party, Black Panther Party, Students for a Democratic Society and Progressive Labor Party as some of the groups active on what he refers to as the "far-left".

Frank Lovell

In the 1930s, Frank Lovell came into contact with Trotskyist movement led by James P. Cannon and he became one of the first members of the Socialist Workers Party, and in 1942 he was elected to its National Committee.

Jake Cooper

He was active in the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 led by the Communist League of America and later became a member of the Socialist Workers Party and as a leading member of the SWP he was imprisoned under the Smith Act together with many other SWP leaders for opposing the US involvement in the Second World War.


He used it to represent the opinion of Trotskyists who rejected the leadership of James Cannon and who left the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) to found the Workers Party in 1940.

New Orleans mayoral election, 1986

Terry Hardy, an oil refinery worker running as the candidate of the Socialist Workers Party.

Red Lion Square disorders

This counter-demonstration attracted support from groups not directly under the control of Liberation, including the International Marxist Group (IMG), the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) and the International Socialists (later the Socialist Workers Party).

Socialist Appeal

Socialist Appeal (US, 1935) - a newspaper published first by a Trotskyists from 1935 to 1941, first by the Trotskyist faction in the Socialist Party of America and, following their expulsion by the newly founded Socialist Workers Party.

Stan Newens

At UCL, he met Anil Moonesinghe, a Sri Lankan Trotskyist, who was later to become a Cabinet Minister in Sri Lanka) and joined the Socialist Review Group led by Tony Cliff, a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), which later became the Socialist Workers Party (SWP).

Stanford Andress

In particular, the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Party, as well as the combined two competing tickets of the Prohibition Party all received a smaller number of votes.

see also

Federation of Irish Fishermen

The protest moved on to Government Buildings later in the day, and was supported by MEP Kathy Sinnott, Sinn Féin TD Arthur Morgan, and former unsuccessful (Labour Party/Socialist Workers Party/Independent) election candidate and Gombeen man, Michael O'Sullivan.

Guillermo Fernández

Guillermo Fernández Vara (1958-), a Spanish politician from the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party who served as the President of Extremadura from 2007 to 2011.

José Alonso

José Antonio Alonso (born 1960), Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) politician

Olga Rodriguez

As Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Los Angeles in 1973 and governor of California in 1974, Rodriguez used her campaigns to support and publicize the struggle of working people, including the battles of the United Farm Workers union.

Róger Calero

In 2006, Róger Calero appeared on the ballot in New York as the Socialist Workers Party candidate for US Senate.

Young Communist League of Yugoslavia

SKOJ was founded in Zagreb on October 10, 1919 as a political organization of revolutionary youth the youth which followed the policy of the Socialist Workers' Party of Yugoslavia (communist).