
unusual facts about Sociology of Religion

Elene Church

The Elene Church is a fictional church, the official church of the continent of Eosia (excluding Zemoch) in David Eddings' series The Elenium and The Tamuli.

Moisés Espírito Santo Bagagem

Moisés Espírito Santo (also Moisés Espírito Santo Bagagem) (born in 1934 in Batalha, Portugal) is a Portuguese ethnologist and sociologist well known for his work on Ethnology and Sociology of Religion, summarized in the books The Portuguese Popular Religion (1990) and Oriental Origins of the Portuguese Popular Religion (1988).

The Wife's Lament

One such treatment considers the poem to be allegory, in which interpretation the lamenting speaker represents the Church as Bride of Christ or as an otherwise feminine allegorical figure.

see also

Eli Berman

David Lehman, Rational Choice and the Sociology of Religion, chapter 8 in Bryan S. Turner (ed.) The New Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion, John Wiley and Sons, 2010, ISBN 1-4051-8852-9