
unusual facts about Soddo Gurage

Hadiya Zone

Hadiya is spoken as a first language by 79.6%, 10.13% Silte, 3.2% spoke Kambaata, 2.65% spoke Amharic, and 1% spoke Soddo Gurage; the remaining 3.42% spoke all other primary languages reported.

Misraq Shewa Zone

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Misraq Shewa were the Oromo (69.59%), the Amhara (16.77%), the Soddo Gurage (2.21%), the Kambaata (2%), and the Welayta (1.78%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.65% of the population.

Shashamene Zuria

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Shashamene were the Oromo (74.11%), the Amhara (9.26%), the Welayta (5%), the Kambaata (2.3%), and the Soddo Gurage (2.13%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.2% of the population.

see also