
unusual facts about Sodium chloride

Century egg

Instead of using just clay, a mixture of wood ash, quicklime, and salt is included in the plastering mixture, thereby increasing its pH and sodium content.

Soda lake

In addition, many soda lakes also contain high concentrations of sodium chloride and other dissolved salts, making them saline- or hypersaline lakes as well.

Vapor-compression evaporation

The largest single body MVR evaporator built (1968, by Whiting Co., later Swenson Evaporator Co., Harvey, Ill. in CirĂ² Marina, Italy) was a salt crystallizer, evaporating approximately 400 metric tons per hour of water, featuring an axial-flow compressor (Brown Boveri, later ABB).

see also

Reverse osmosis

An example of this process is Dasani, which adds sodium chloride (salt) and potassium chloride to its water for "taste", according to the company.