
unusual facts about Sony Radio Academy Awards

Brian Matthew

Matthew won a Sony Gold Award in 2008: "To celebrate an impressive record of more than 50 years of national and international radio broadcasting. For that lifetime career and in recognition of a truly outstanding contribution to UK radio."

Carey Harrison

Harrison has received numerous grants from the UK Arts Council, and his prizes include Sony Radio Academy Awards, the Giles Cooper Award, the Prix Marulic, the Writers' Guild of Great Britain Award for Best Play, the Prix Italia Silver Award and the Best Play award from the Berlin Akademie der Kuenste, as well as two nominations (2005 and 2007) for the Pushcart Prize for Journalism.

Des McLean

He soon became the co-host on the breakfast show with George Bowie, with the two men winning Sony Radio Academy Awards in the Best Breakfast and Entertainment Categories.

Laurie Rowley

In 1987 he won a Sony Radio Academy Award for his series of plays entitled Hoodwinks.

Misha Glenny

While at the BBC, Glenny won 1993's Sony Gold Award for his 'outstanding contribution to broadcasting'.

Patricia Hughes

Hughes was awarded with a special commendation at the inaugural Sony Radio Academy Awards in the same year.

Richard Attree

During his time at the BBC, he received two Sony Awards, in 1986 and 1989, for "the Most Creative Use of Radio".

Stephen Wyatt

His play Memorials to the Missing (2007) won the Tinniswood Award for best original radio script of 2007 and Silver in the Best Drama category of the 2008 Sony Radio Academy Awards.

see also