
unusual facts about Sorbonne Nouvelle

Imanol Ordorika Sacristán

In 2004 Ordorika received the Frank Talbott Jr. Visiting University Chair from the University of Virginia and in 2006 he was awarded the Alfonso Reyes Chaire des Etudes Mexicaines by the University of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle).

see also

Clarisse Albrecht

While studying Cinema at La Sorbonne Nouvelle, in Paris, she joined, as a background vocalist, a band performing Soul-Funk covers.

Fabrizio Marrella

He was formerly Adjunct Professor of International Business Law at the IHEAL (Institute for Advanced Studies on Latin America) of the Université de Paris III-La Sorbonne Nouvelle and lecturer at the Paris Institute of Comparative Law (Panthéon-Assas University).