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South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges proclaimed August 28, 2001 as Effie Wilder Day.
He donated $25,000 to South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges First Steps early childhood education program in 1999 (Dec. 23) to help improve education in the state.
While waiting out the Atlantic hurricane season in the estuary of Cape Fear River, Ignatius took part in a battle between the Royal James and the Henry and its accompanying sloop, pirate hunters commanded by William Rhett and commissioned by South Carolina governor Robert Johnson (governor).
He wrote frequently for the Southern Literary Messenger and other periodicals, and carried on an extensive correspondence with influential Southern political leaders, including President John Tyler, Secretary of State Abel P. Upshur, and South Carolina Governor James Henry Hammond.
In contrast, South Carolina governor Robert McNair responded by threatening the strikers with prison time and then placed the city under curfew.
In a turn of events, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford vetoed the bill on June 6, 2007, the penultimate night of the 2007 legislative session.
Gov. William Aiken House, a Charleston, South Carolina home of South Carolina governor William Aiken, Jr.