
unusual facts about South Yemen

Yemen Airlines

Alyemda, the former national airline of South Yemen, was internationally referred to as Democratic Yemen Airlines, which was often shortened to Yemen Airlines.

1st East Anglian Regiment

In February 1964 the Regiment arrived in Aden as part of the Aden Brigade, seeing active service in the Radfan on the border with South Yemen as part of Radforce, fighting Egyptian-supported guerillas, losing a number of its soldiers in the process.

see also

Southern Democratic Assembly of Yemen in Australia

In 2009, the former President of the People's Democratic Republic of South Yemen (which briefly existed in 1994), Ali Salim al-Beidh, became active again in Germany and is now regarded by many as the leader, although there has been no formal election process as yet.

Yemeni unification

Ali Nasir Muhammad, the exiled South Yemen leader, assisted military operations against the secessionists.