
unusual facts about Space music

Al Gromer Khan

Concurrently, Khan engaged in a number of experimental projects, pioneering the proto-electronic music genre called Space music, together with Popol Vuh, Deuter and Amon Düül.

Jean Ven Robert Hal

Jean Ven Robert Hal, stage name for Roberto D'Agostino Vendola born 11 May 1970 is an Italian musician, composer of Electronic Music, Kosmische Musik, Space music, Progressive, Ambient, Jazz, Synth pop and Orchestral music.

Prognosis Show

The title 'Prognosis' was derived from the obvious medical term and from the genre Progressive rock but it also featured many other genres including Space music, Krautrock, Psychedelic music, Electronic music and Experimental Music.

see also

Giles Reaves

Beyond space music, Reaves has another career as an engineer and co-producer for the Nashville rock music scene, including work with Dessau and Grinning Plowmen.