
15 unusual facts about Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Enrique Bermúdez

However, Bermúdez also issued some criticism at U.S. policy, writing that some Democrats, such as Jim Wright, then the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, were appeasing the Sandinista regime in ways that were inhibiting the Contras' in their effort to overthrow the Sandinista government.

Golden Spike Company

Other advisers include former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, former NASA Space Shuttle manager Wayne Hale, author and aeronautical engineer Homer Hickam, and former governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson.

Hugh F. Blunt

In a biography of former U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tip O'Neill, a story is told about how O'Neill and other children of the parish were warned by Father Blunt that they would be eternally damned if they visited the YMCA, since it was a Protestant institution.

Louisiana, Missouri

The latter enters Louisiana from Illinois via the Champ Clark Bridge, named for a former US Speaker of the House from nearby Bowling Green.

Mildred O'Neill

Mildred O'Neill (1914?-October 6, 2003) was the widow of former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Tip O'Neill.

Old Deer

The village is the birthplace of David B. Henderson, one of only two foreign born Speakers of the United States House of Representatives.

Prairie Parkway

The strongest supporter of that provision was House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who owned real estate in the area affected by the parkway.

Presiding Officer of the United States Senate

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the presiding officer of the United States House of Representatives


In February 2007, Nancy Pelosi was publishing on her blog as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and inserted video clips from C-SPAN into her messages.

Robert C. Morlino

During the 2008 presidential election, Morlino criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Joe Biden for their remarks regarding abortion on Meet the Press.

Smithsonian Institution

Other members of the Board of Regents are three members of the U.S. House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House; three members of the Senate, appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate; and nine citizen members, nominated by the Board and approved by the Congress in a joint resolution signed by the President of the United States.

Standing Rules of the United States Senate, Rule XIV

When signed by the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate shall present the item.

Standing Rules of the United States Senate, Rule XXIII

::Ex-Speakers of the House of Representatives, except as provided in paragraph 2.

The One with the Lesbian Wedding

However, the fact that Carol and Susan's ceremony was officiated by Candace Gingrich, a gay-rights activist and sister to conservative Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich did draw some media attention, as the casting was perceived as a comment on the Republican Party's anti-gay rights stance and the "Contract with America" platform.

Wahrenberger House

Notable among the boarders were future Texas governor Pat Morris Neff and future Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Sam Rayburn.

Albert R. Anderson

Anderson served in the Fiftieth Congress, voting with the Democratic caucus for John G. Carlisle as its choice for Speaker of the House but sitting with the Republicans.

Benjamin P. Birdsall

In 1902, Birdsall was elected as a Republican to the Fifty-eighth Congress, after the incumbent, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives David B. Henderson chose not to run for re-election.

Bill Raymond

He played Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Schuyler Colfax in Steven Spielberg's Lincoln.

Congressional Post Office scandal

A new investigation was started by the United States Postal Service, which eventually submitted a report which was held in silence by Speaker Thomas Foley (D-WA) until media reports of embezzlement and money laundering leaked out in 1992.

Continuity of Operations

This runs from the Vice President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, President pro tempore of the Senate, and then through the Cabinet secretaries in a sequence specified by Congress.

Director of Floor Operations

Director of Floor Operations is the title of two staff members in the United States House of Representatives, with the Majority Director in the Speaker's office and the Minority Director in the Minority Leader's or Minority Whip's office.

Division of the assembly

If a division is demanded, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives (or, more commonly, a Representative of the majority party designed by the Speaker to preside as Speaker pro tempore) or the Presiding Officer of the Senate asks those voting Yea to rise and remain standing until counted, and then asks those voting Nay to do the same.

Floor Services Chief

The Floor Services Chief is the title of the staff member in the Speaker's or Majority Leader's office who runs the Majority cloakroom in the United States House of Representatives.

House Select Committee on Current Pornographic Materials

Representative Ezekiel C. Gathings, Democrat from Arkansas, was its chairman, appointed by Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn.

Joe W. Aguillard

The next month, Aguillard hosted a campaign event on the LC campus for former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, who was then seeking the Republican presidential nomination subsequently won by Mitt Romney of Massachusetts.

John H. Bankhead

United States Senator John H. Bankhead II and Speaker of the House William Brockman Bankhead were his sons, and actress Tallulah Bankhead was his granddaughter.

Joseph W. Babcock

He was a candidate for Speaker of the House in 1902, but lost to Joseph Cannon.

Leticia Van de Putte

In 2008, Van de Putte served as a co-chair of the 2008 Democratic National Convention along with Governor of Kansas Kathleen Sebelius and Atlanta, Georgia Mayor Shirley Franklin, while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi served as permanent chair.

Massachusetts gubernatorial election, 1974

Thomas P. O'Neill III, son of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Tip O'Neill, defeated Christopher A. Iannella, Eva Hester, John P. Lynch, and Thomas Martin Sullivan for the Democratic nomination.

Parliamentarian of the United States House of Representatives

The Parliamentarian is appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position.

Powell v. McCormack

In January 1967, the 90th Congress convened, Speaker of the House John William McCormack asked Representative Powell to abstain from taking the oath of office.

Religion and politics in the United States

The Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner of Ohio, is Catholic.

Robert A. George

A graduate of St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, George worked for the Republican National Committee and, following the 1994 midterm elections, Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich.

The Speaker's House

The Speaker's House is a museum located in Trappe, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania that preserves the home of Frederick Muhlenberg, the First and Third Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. Tunnel

The state legislature and the Massachusetts delegation to Congress (all of whom were Democrats) opposed the choice, and it was officially named after O'Neill (a longtime Speaker of the United States House of Representatives) by Section 1930 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which was passed by Congress and signed by then-President George W. Bush in 2005.

Uncle Duke

After the Republican revolution of 1994 Duke appealed to Speaker Newt Gingrich to help him open a low budget, privatized orphanage in Aspen called "Nothin' But Orphans".

United States and the United Nations

The Task Force came into being in January 2005, co-chaired by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Senate Majority Leader, George J. Mitchell.

United States House Committee on Accounts

In addition, the committee was responsible for the accountability of officers of the House, the procurement of rooms for the use of House committees and for the Speaker, and for recommending and authorizing the employment of such persons as stenographers, reporters of debates, janitors, and clerks and staff assistants for committees, members and senators.

United States House Committee on the Disposition of Executive Papers

The President of the United States Senate and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives would, upon receipt of the report, each appoint two Members to sit on a joint committee to meet and examine the reports and papers, and report on them.

United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia, 2002

Incumbent Republican Congressman Johnny Isakson, elected in a 1999 special election to replace the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, sought his third term in this highly conservative district based in the northern suburbs of Atlanta.

United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission

The twelve commissioners are appointed to two-year terms by the majority and minority leaders of the U.S. Senate, and by the minority leader and speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

William L. Dayton

A distant relation of U.S. House Speaker and U.S. Constitution signatory Jonathan Dayton, he was born in Basking Ridge, New Jersey to farmer Joel Dayton and his wife.

Yorkville High School

United States Congressman for Illinois' 14th district and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert spent 16 years teaching at Yorkville from 1964–1980, primarily government and history classes.