
unusual facts about States Rights

Dixon Hall Lewis

He was elected as a States Rights Democrat to the twenty-first and to the seven succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1829, to April 22, 1844, when he resigned the House to join the Senate.

see also

1948 Democratic National Convention

When Minneapolis mayor Hubert Humphrey addressed the convention, he urged the Democratic Party to "get out of the shadow of states' rights and walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights," prompting a walkout by Southern delegates who later nominated Strom Thurmond as the presidential nominee of the States' Rights Party (Dixiecrats).

A More Perfect Union: Advancing New American Rights

At one stop on the book tour associated with the publication and release of the book at the David A. Clarke School of Law of the University of the District of Columbia, Jackson's message was perceived as saying that American history can be studied as an analysis of race, but that economics and the tension between states’ rights and federal rights are the true basis of a domestic history revolving around pursuit of economic development, political power, and personal freedom.

American Anti-Slavery Society

President Andrew Jackson swept aside the states' rights arguments and threatened to use the army to enforce federal laws.

Charles G. Atherton

He was a States-rights Democrat from a northern State of New England.

Joseph Webber Jackson

Jackson was reelected as a States Rights candidate to the 32nd Congress and served from March 4, 1850 through March 3, 1853.

States Rights Records

Bobby Birdman, Yacht, Lucky Dragons, The Blow, The Dirty Projectors, White Rainbow and others have released on States Rights Records.

States' Rights Party

Dixiecrats, officially known as the States' Rights Democratic Party