Nicolas Steno | Steno's |
Members low in the stratigraphic sequence are older than those lying above, in accordance with Steno's law of superposition.
From his debut in the early 70's Siciliano worked as editor in more than 150 Italian productions, including films by Giuliano Montaldo, Damiano Damiani, Luigi Comencini, Luciano Salce, Steno, E.B. Clucher, Massimo Troisi and Franco Giraldi.
Monreale has worked with directors Lucio Fulci, Joe D'Amato and Vittotio Sindoni on more than one occasion and has also worked with Stefano Vanzina ("Steno"), Bruno Bozzetto, Marco Ferreri, and Corrado Colombo.
Thrust faults were unknown to Steno and his contemporaries and were not described until the late 19th Century and early 20th century by Peach and Horne at Knockan Crag, Scotland, on the Moine Thrust Fault.
During his career he worked as editor in more than 100 productions between 1971 and 2012, including works by Ettore Scola, Valerio Zurlini, Franco Giraldi, Alberto Bevilacqua, Steno, Alberto Sordi, Roberto Faenza.