
unusual facts about Stephen Báthory

Old Hrodna Castle

The next notable tenant of the castle was Stephen Báthory who envisaged Hrodna as the capital of his vast empire in Eastern Europe.


The history of the village is rich, beginning from the German name of the city, (Krebs Bach = Crabs Valley) and continuing with the use of Crizbav Citadel as military observation tower, as confirmed by the "Diploma of King Louis the Great" of March 12, 1344, or that of Prince Stephen Bathory of October 30, 1484.

Emil Starkenstein

Saul Wahl Katzenelbogen who, according to the glossary of the family tree, 'became king of Poland for one night after the death of Stephen Bathory.

Jan Latosz

While most of the academy approved of the reform plan, Latosz presented a different solution through his old acquaintance Alberto Cardinal Bolognetti, former Papal nuncio to Poland in the times of king Stephen Bathory.

Saul Wahl

"Stephen Báthory, who was king of Poland, died in 1586, and the Poles were divided between wishing to be ruled by the Zamoyski family and the Zborowski family. Polish law at that time stated that if electors could not agree upon a king, an outsider should be appointed "rex pro tempore" (temporary king). Radziwill proposed that Saul Wahl Katzenellenbogen be appointed temporary king, and Wahl was elected to shouts of "Long live King Saul!"

see also