Climate change was not on the formal agenda, but a strong push by chief secretary to the British Treasury, Stephen Timms forced global warming and the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change to be briefly discussed as part of the context of promoting free markets as the way to energy security.
CBN was launched in the United Kingdom during January 2004 by the then Rural Affairs Minister Alun Michael and Broadband Minister Stephen Timms; at this time the UK was lagging behind neighboring developed countries in the provision of first generation broadband services, leaving significant holes in availability.
In recent years, the school has had visits from distinguished guests which include Stephen Timms MP, and the former Mayor of the London Borough of Newham.
The position, created in July 2007, is part of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and was, until 11 May 2010 held by The Rt. Hon. Stephen Timms MP
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