
2 unusual facts about Stephen Ward

Aloysius Gordon

Edgecombe's frustrations in seeking protection from Keeler following this fight led to the shooting at Stephen Ward's flat in December 1962 that set in motion a chain of events that would eventually result in the public revelations of the Profumo Affair.

Nothing Has Been Proved

The lyrics of the song describe the actual course of the events and mention the main characters involved; Mandy Rice-Davies, Christine Keeler and Stephen Ward.

Valerie Mewes

Stephen Ward, who was to become one of the central figures in the 1963 Profumo Affair, claims to have met Mewes in a doorway in Oxford Street during a thunderstorm at night.

see also

3rd New York State Legislature

Senator Richard Morris (Southern D.) was appointed Chief Judge of the New York Supreme Court, and thus vacated his seat to which Ex-Assemblyman Stephen Ward was appointed.

Stephen W. Sears

Stephen Ward Sears (born July 27, 1932) is an American historian specializing in the American Civil War.