The Jake and Steve Show is a morning radio show hosted by Jake Bennett and Steve Cummings on WVUA-FM 90.7 The Capstone at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Steve Jobs | Steve McQueen | Steve Martin | Steve Reich | Steve Vai | Steve Winwood | Stone Cold Steve Austin | Steve Earle | Steve Davis | Steve Forbes | Steve Coogan | Steve Allen | Steve Wozniak | Steve Guttenberg | Steve Biko | E. E. Cummings | Steve Lawrence | Steve Roach | Steve Fossett | Jim Cummings | Steve Harvey | Steve | Steve Young | Steve Waugh | Steve Taylor | Steve Lacy | Steve Coleman | Steve Albini | Steve Roach (musician) | Steve Morse |
Axelson, Caddell, Morrison and original drummer Steve Cummings formed the band in college, knowing each other from attending northern Virginia high schools (Axelson, Cummings, and Morrison attended Lake Braddock Secondary School in Burke, Virginia).