Other significant stretches of the Pedway network were built in Lower Thames Street, Cannon Street and around the former Stock Exchange building.
New York Stock Exchange | church (building) | London Stock Exchange | Church (building) | Empire State Building | German Academic Exchange Service | Microsoft Exchange Server | American Stock Exchange | U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission | Foreign exchange market | Toronto Stock Exchange | Baxter Building | Union Stock Yards | Royal Exchange | Australian Securities Exchange | building | U.S. Green Building Council | Woolworth Building | Chrysler Building | American Legislative Exchange Council | Tokyo Stock Exchange | San Francisco Ferry Building | rolling stock | Microsoft Exchange | London Metal Exchange | Flatiron Building | stock | Building restoration | Singapore Exchange | Royal Exchange, Manchester |
The view of the Rathaus was almost completely blocked by the stock exchange building built in 1828, until British bombing on the night of 25 February 1944 destroyed the latter.