
unusual facts about Storm King Mountain

New York–New Jersey Trail Conference

The Trail Conference has been active in open space preservation in its region since its earliest days, including the efforts that led to the preservation of Storm King Mountain, now Storm King State Park.

Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr

By 1891, when she achieved greater success, she and her daughters moved up the Hudson River to Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, where they renovated a house on the slopes of Storm King Mountain and named it Cherry Croft.


The land gently slopes downward, revealing views of the Hudson, Bull Hill and Storm King Mountain to the west.

Young Men and Fire

Norman Maclean's son, John Norman Maclean, wrote Fire on the Mountain (1999 book) that told a very similar story about the South Canyon Fire on Storm King Mountain on July 6, 1994 in Colorado, which took the lives of 14 firefighters.

see also