
unusual facts about Stream of consciousness writing

Andrzej Stasiuk

Stasiuk himself cites Marek Hłasko as a major influence; critics have compared his style of stream of consciousness travel literature to that of Jack Kerouac.

Luis Martín-Santos

In this novel he makes innovative use of interior monologue, second person, indirect free style, stream of consciousness, desrealización, and mythification, narrative devices that had been pioneered earlier by James Joyce.

Southern Renaissance

They also brought new modernistic techniques such as stream of consciousness and complex narrative techniques to their works (as Faulkner did in his novel As I Lay Dying).

The Damned Utd

Told from Clough's point of view, the novel is written as his stream of consciousness as he tries and fails to impose his will on a team he inherited from his bitter rival, Don Revie, and whose players are still loyal to their old manager.

see also