
unusual facts about Susie Q

Justin Whalin

Whalin is known for his appearances in such films as John Waters' cult classic Serial Mom with Kathleen Turner, Child's Play 3, The Disney Channel's Susie Q (1996) (TV), and as the young Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen in the TV series Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (seasons 2-4).

see also

Amy Records

Paul Simon, (pre-dating Simon & Garfunkel), together with children's music producer and songwriter Bobby Susser, released records in 1961 and 1962 under the names Tico and The Triumphs with "Motorcycle" (Amy 835 charted #97) and Jerry Landis with "Lone Teen Ranger" (Amy 875 charted #99") with little success as did garage band Kinetic Energy with their version of Dale Hawkins 1957 hit "Susie Q" (Amy 11,028) in 1969.