
unusual facts about Sword Beach

22nd Dragoons

As such, the regiment came ashore in the first wave of the Operation Overlord landings on the morning of 6 June 1944, with A Squadron, reinforced by two troops of C Squadron and supported by two troops of the Westminster Dragoons, landing on Sword Beach and B Squadron landing on Juno Beach.

Bofors 40 mm gun

They saw service in North West Europe, where six SP Bofors of 92nd (Loyals) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery, landed with the British 3rd Infantry Division on Sword Beach on D-Day to protect the vital bridges over the Caen Canal and Orne River (Pegasus Bridge and Horsa Bridge), shooting down 17 German planes.

Josef Priller

He has become famous because of the publicity regarding his Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8's single strafing pass attack on Sword Beach on 6 June 1944 (D-Day), accompanied by his wingman Heinz Wodarczyk.


Batterie de Merville or Merville Gun Battery is an historic site situated in the eastern flank of the landing area Sword Beach where Lieutenant-Colonel Terence Otway carried out a heroic mission with his men of the 9th Battalion of parachutists before the dawn of D-Day by neutralizing the artillery of the German battery.

Oklahoma D-Day

The game seeks to faithfully recreate battles from the real Normandy invasion, including Omaha beach, Utah beach, Sword Beach, Colleville, Sainte-Mère-Église, Caen, Pegasus Bridge, and Vierville.

see also