
unusual facts about TCP/IP

Banyan VINES

The unreliable datagram service and data-stream service operated essentially identically to UDP and TCP on top of IP.

Barry Appelman

Appelman's innovation included offloading of TCP/IP processing from IBM mainframes to OS/2 servers, graphical TCP/IP clients, SNMP and FTP APIs, fastest terminal emulator MYTE, S2 Spreadsheet that connected via TCP to IBM DB2, and many others.


CacheFly was the first company to offer CDN service that rely solely on TCP Anycast for routing, rather than DNS based global load balancing.

CICS Transaction Gateway

IBM CICS Transaction Gateway provides secure access to CICS from Java, Java EE, .NET Framework, C and C++ applications, using Internet protocols (for example TCP/IP).


These included an updated kernel, a 32-bit TCP/IP stack and associated networking utilities, a firewall, updated drivers and other system components, newer versions of Java, SciTech SNAP Graphics video support, and more.

Forwarding plane

Before or after examining the destination, other tables may be consulted to make decisions to drop the packet based on other characteristics, such as the source address, the IP protocol identifier field, or Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number.


The glusterfs client process, which connects to servers with a custom protocol over TCP/IP, InfiniBand or Sockets Direct Protocol, creates composite virtual volumes from multiple remote servers using stackable translators.

Headless computer

It is also possible to use systems such as X Window System and VNC combined with virtual display drivers allow remote connections to headless machines through ordinary Graphical user interfaces, often running over network protocols like the internet's TCP/IP.


High performance Netty NIO connector over TCP, SSL and Servlet modes (for messaging between firewalls)


Ident protocol, an Internet protocol that helps identify the user of a particular TCP connection

Ignition SCADA

Current drivers include A-B Suite, ModbusTCP, Siemens Ethernet, and Simple TCP/UDP, allowing users to connect to a multitude of devices such as PLCs, solar cells, lights, generators, flow meters, bar code scanners, etc.

Inductive Automation

Current drivers include A-B Suite, ModbusTCP and Simple TCP/UDP, allowing users to connect to a multitude of devices such as PLCs, solar cells, lights, generators, flow meters, bar code scanners, etc.

Internet protocol suite

They navigated the corporate politics to get a stream of TCP/IP products for various IBM systems, including MVS, VM, and OS/2.

At the same time, several smaller companies began offering TCP/IP stacks for DOS and MS Windows, such as the company FTP Software, and the Wollongong Group.

JAUS Tool Set

Present transport options include UDP and TCP in wired or wireless networks, as well as serial connections.

Java Remote Method Protocol

It is a wire level protocol running at the level under Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and over TCP/IP.


Because TCP sockets can be constructed to behave as blocking channels in the CSP sense, it is possible to distribute JCSP processes across multiple computers.

Local area network

Although this market segment is now much reduced, the technologies developed in this area continue to be influential on the Internet and in both Linux and Apple Mac OS X networking—and the TCP/IP protocol has now almost completely replaced IPX, AppleTalk, NBF, and other protocols used by the early PC LANs.

Long-tail traffic

Ethernet, WWW, SS7, TCP, FTP, TELNET and VBR video (digitised video of the type that is transmitted over ATM networks) traffic is self-similar.

LSS Data Systems

Ken Carlson, founder—before designing and developing LSS software, Carlson helped integrate the first commercial Cray-1 computer system into the time-sharing network of United Computing Systems, and built one of the first commercial TCP/IP networks as Vice President of the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.

Mac OS 9

Mac OS 9 also featured integrated support for Apple’s suite of Internet services known as iTools (later re-branded as .Mac, then MobileMe, which was replaced by iCloud) and included improved TCP/IP functionality with Open Transport 2.5.

Maximum Integrated Data Acquisition System

The system currently runs under Linux, MS Windows, various versions of UNIX, VMS, VxWorks and MS-DOS and can be ported easily to virtually any operating system which supports TCP/IP sockets.

Microsoft DNS

They call library functions in the DLL, which in turn handle all communications with DNS servers (over UDP or TCP) and return the final results of the lookup back to the applications.


The SoIP configuration uses UDP instead of TCP, thus eliminating the need for TCP offload engines that are used in FC and iSCSI, reducing cost and/or processing overhead.


as well as transmitting and receiving "raw" data over TCP


A TCP/IP WAN network for the Norwegian Armed Forces' Link 16 training area.

Open Transport

Based on code licensed from Mentat's Portable Streams product, Open Transport was built to provide the Mac OS with a modern TCP/IP implementation, replacing MacTCP.


"Internetworking with TCP/IP" (German) taught by Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel (>9,800 enrolled participants, 1635 certificates granted).

Protocol Builder

Network programming for all kinds of protocols (like TCP, UDP, SNMP ... ) includes converting data to be transferred to a raw bytes in the sending side and parsing these bytes in the receiving side.


It is capable of filtering all NDIS protocols including IPV6 and, most importantly, TCP/IP and UDP – two protocols which are essential for the operation of file-sharing software.

Real-time Cmix

Real-time capability was added by Brad Garton and David Topper in the mid-1990s, with support for TCP socket connectivity, interactive control of the scheduler, and object-oriented embedding of the synthesis engine into fully featured applications.


# Filter: defines packet data patterns of interest e.g. MAC address or TCP port


It can perform traditional network related checks (TCP, PING, traceroute) but can also be used to monitor a wide variety of other checks such as internet related checks (url, email chain, database checks, Windows checks (diskspace, CPU, memory, process, services).

Shell account

The Internet Adapter, a graphical application front end for internet access using shell accounts allowing TCP/IP-based applications such as Netscape to run over the shell account.

Starlink Project

Between 1992 and 1995 the project switched to UNIX (and switched the networking to TCP/IP), supporting Digital UNIX on Alpha-based systems, and Solaris on systems from Sun Microsystems.

Stateless protocol

For example, HTTP is an example of a stateless protocol layered on top of TCP, a stateful protocol, which is layered on top of IP, another stateless protocol, which is routed on a network that employs BGP, another stateful protocol, to direct the IP packets riding on the network.


SuperScan is a free connect-based port scanning software designed to detect open TCP and UDP ports on a target computer, determine which services are running on those ports, and run queries such as whois, ping, ICMP traceroute, and Hostname lookups.

TCP congestion-avoidance algorithm

University of Arizona researchers Larry Peterson and Lawrence Brakmo introduced TCP Vegas, named after the largest Nevada city, in which timeouts were set and round-trip delays were measured for every packet in the transmit buffer.

TCP Westwood plus

The first implementation of TCP Westwood in ns2 was done at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1999.

The Wollongong Group

Notable Wollongong technical staff that worked on these projects include David H. Crocker (Email), Dr. Marshall Rose (SNMP), Karl Auerbach (Netbios, SNMP), Narayan Mohanram (TCP/IP on UNIX), Jerry Scott (TCP/IP on VMS), Leo McLaughlin III and John Bartas (TCP/IP on IBM PC).

Transmission Control Protocol

That is, when an application program desires to send a large chunk of data across the Internet using IP, instead of breaking the data into IP-sized pieces and issuing a series of IP requests, the software can issue a single request to TCP and let TCP handle the IP details.


It defaults to TCP port 10000 for communicating, and can be configured to use SSL if OpenSSL is installed with additional required Perl Modules.

Windows Open Services Architecture

These extensions include, among others, ODBC (called the "crowning jewel of WOSA"), TAPI, WOSA/XFS, SAPI and MAPI, and their supporting services, as well as the abstraction of access to printers, modems, and networking services, which run identically over TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, and NetBEUI.

Xerox Network Systems

Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP) was an acknowledged transport protocol, analogous to TCP; one chief technical difference is that the sequence numbers count the packets, and not the bytes as in TCP and PUP's BSP; it was the direct antecedent to Novell's IPX/SPX.


Its publisher, Thomas Communications, Inc., also publishes the Xephon Update series of mainframe-based newsletters on DB2, CICS, z/OS (formerly MVS), WebSphere (formerly MQ), TCP/SNA, RACF, and AIX.

Zeus Technology

In 2004 Zeus Technology released Zeus Traffic Manager (originally 'Zeus Extensible Traffic Manager', ZXTM), based on Zeus' earlier Zeus Load Balancer product, a software load balancer for TCP and UDP based network protocols, and based on a previous Zeus Load Balancer product.

see also


It was the first ISP to provide dial-up TCP/IP access (via SLIP or PPP) targeted for the home user in the Mid Atlantic region.

Coloured Books

Coloured Book protocols, a set of network protocols used primarily on the UK academic network before the widespread adoption of TCP/IP

CRT Group

Original specification CargoSprinter's used USB connections between electronics modules, second generation machines used TCP/IP across a LAN.


Econet/AUN was largely superseded by the Acorn Access+ software that operated using native Ethernet and TCP/IP rather than simulating Econet traffic over a UDP system.

J Allard

According to an internal email, Allard was a network engineer responsible for convincing Microsoft to ship TCP/IP in Windows 95.


MacTCP was the standard TCP/IP implementation for the Macintosh operating system through version 7.5.1.

Randall C. Kennedy

Kennedy discovered an undocumented change in the protocol used by the Microsoft SQL Server Net-Lib component from named pipes to TCP/IP in Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 that was fixed in the subsequent version 2.7).


For the network protocol in the TCP/IP protocol stack known as RELOAD see REsource LOcation And Discovery Framing.

Spider Systems

Spider Systems produced a wide range of products, including terminal servers, routers, network bridges, network analysers and network protocol software stacks for various operating systems, including the TCP/IP stack used in Microsoft Windows NT 3.1.


PACTOR, WINMOR, HSMM (WiFi), AX.25 packet, D-Star, TCP/IP, and ALE are non proprietary protocols used in various RF applications to access the Winlink network systems.