
unusual facts about Tammuz


3 Tammuz

Gimmel Tammuz (ג בתמוז) is the third day of the tenth month in the Hebrew year counting from Tishrei, which is the fourth month counting from Nisan.

Avshalom Haviv

On the 29th of Tammuz, the day Irgun leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky was released, Haviv and the two other condemned men were promoted from group leader (rosh kvutza) to sergeant (samal).

Hajji Firuz

Mehrdad Bahar opined that the figure of the Haji Firuz is derived from ceremonies and legends connected to the epic of prince Siavash, which are in turn derived from those associated with the Mesopotamian deities of agriculture and flocks, Tammuz (Sumerian Dumuzi).

Johanan HaSandlar

He died on the 29th day of the Hebrew month of Tammuz (the same yahrzeit as that of Rashi), and was buried 200 meters from the tomb of Shimon bar Yochai in Meron, Israel.

Meir Ashkenazi

An envoy of the Khan of Crimea in the sixteenth century, Ashkenazi was killed by pirates on a voyage from Gava (near Genoa) to Dakhel (probably Dakhel or Dakleh in the western oasis of Upper Egypt), between the 15th and the 25th day of Tammuz (July), 1567.


Its name means "wounded god" in Aramaic, since the Surian god Tammuz (also called Adonis) died in the river named after him (now called Ibrahim River) that runs through Yahchouch.

see also