European Court of Human Rights | Human Rights Watch | human | Human sexuality | United States Department of Health and Human Services | Human swimming | Human | The Human League | European Convention on Human Rights | Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development | Human Genome Project | Human migration | Human leukocyte antigen | Human skull | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | human trafficking | Human Rights Campaign | Human Torch | Human resources | human eye | Nazi human experimentation | Human settlement | Human head | Tanner Foust | Human Target | Human Development Index | tanner | Inter-American Court of Human Rights | Human Resources | The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential |
Skinner has delivered many prestigious lecture-series, including the Christian Gauss Seminars in Criticism at Princeton (1980), the Carlyle Lectures at Oxford (1980), the Messenger Lectures at Cornell (1983), the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Harvard (1984), the T. S. Eliot Memorial Lectures at Kent (1995), the Ford Lectures at Oxford (2003), the Clarendon Lectures at Oxford (2011) and the Clark Lectures at Cambridge (2012).