Created by DOOL creator Ted Corday, actress Maree Cheatham is most recognized in the role, originating it on the debut episode of the serial airing November 8, 1965 and last appearing on June 28, 2010.
Ted Kennedy | Ted Turner | Ted Nugent | Ted Williams | Ted Hughes | Ted Koppel | Ted Kotcheff | TED (conference) | Ted Rall | Ted Danson | Ted Berrigan | Ted Ray | Ted Leo | Ted Strickland | Ted Kulongoski | Ted Drake | TED | Ted | Father Ted | Ted Nelson | Ted McCarty | Ted Mack | Ted Levine | Ted Leo and the Pharmacists | Ted Ray (comedian) | Ted Allen | Better Off Ted | Ted Lewis | Ted Forrest | Ted (film) |
Dorothy changed her name to "Shay" in order to not be confused with Ginny Simms, another performer of the day, choosing "Shay" to honor her mentor Betty Shay (Betty Shay later became Betty Corday when she married Ted Corday, producer of Days of our Lives).