
unusual facts about Tenaga Nasional

Economic Transformation Programme

Among the companies that are involved in the transformation programme are YTL Corporation, Shell Malaysia, Airasia, Hovid Inc, Select-TV, Exxon-Mobil, Dialog Group, Tenaga Nasional, Cisco.

Malaysia Junior Hockey League

One of the main reasons for the waning popularity of the existing domestic competition was the rise of corporate teams such as Ernst & Young, TNB and Maybank which do not have a steady fan following.

Paka, Malaysia

Paka is more popularly known as the home for the largest power station in Malaysia run by the national power company, Tenaga Nasional.

YTL Power

YTL Power, a subsidiary of YTL Corporation, generates and sell power as an independent power producer to Tenaga Nasional for uploading onto the National Grid, Malaysia.

see also