
unusual facts about Terrorist

2003 Aceh New Year's Eve bombing

The 2003 Aceh New Year's Eve bombing was a terrorist attack that occurred on 31 December 2003 in Peureulak, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province, Indonesia.

2011 in Norway

22 July – The 2011 Norway attacks: At least 76 people are killed in twin terrorist attacks in Norway after a bombing in the Regjeringskvartalet, the government center in Oslo and a massacre in the political youth camp in the island of Utøya.

24: Live Another Day

Judy Davis as Margot — A British national and the widow of a notorious terrorist.

Aabid Khan

He was accused of "grooming and radicalising" Mohammed Atif Siddique, who was later arrested as he prepared to fly to Pakistan to meet with Khan, and charged with collecting photographs and videos of notable terrorist actions.

Abdumuqit Vohidov

Bridget McCormack, a candidate for a seat on the Michigan Supreme Court helped defend Vohitov, and in 2012 the "Judicial Crisis Network broadcast an attack ad against her, criticizing her for "freeing a terrorist".

Afghanistan: The Great Game – A Personal View by Rory Stewart

Afghanistan became a safe haven for many terrorist groups and when the twin towers were attacked in New York the United States and its coalition allies entered Afghanistan in large numbers and as Rory Stewart points to the history of Afghanistan, it is an easy country to enter but a difficult one to leave.

Al-Qaeda safe house

Benjamin Wittes and his colleagues at the Brookings Institute noted in January 2010 that different judges reviewing the habeas petitions for different Guantanamo captives had reached conflicting conclusions on the common issue of whether an alleged stay in a suspect guest house indicated terrorist affiliation strongly enough to justify continued detention.

Anti-Terrorist Squad

The Special Tactics Group (formerly Anti-Terrorist Squad) of the New Zealand Police


Asociación de Víctimas del Terrorismo (Association of Terror Victims), an organization for victims of terrorist violence in Spain

Bali bombings

The 2005 Bali bombings, a series of terrorist suicide bombs, and a series of car bomb attacks that occurred on October 1 2005, in Bali, Indonesia

Blue-ribbon panel

Recent examples of high-level so-called blue-ribbon panels in the United States would be the Warren Commission investigating the Kennedy Assassination, the 9/11 Commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the Iraq Study Group assessing the Iraq War and the Clinton Administration's White House Task Force on National Health Care Reform.

Communist Action Organization in Lebanon

Syria's Terrorist War on Lebanon and the Peace Process,no that was no Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p. 67.

Dennis Ryland

In season three he begins working as the leader of a privately owned company, Haspel Corporation, a defense contractor aiding the NSA in the tracking of the Nova Group, a terrorist organization of 4400 returnees.

Domestic terrorism in the United States

Domestic terrorism in the United States between 1980 and 2000 consisted of incidents confirmed as or suspected to be terrorist acts.

Ernesto Geisel

Having the aforesaid activities been stopped, Geisel and his Chief of Staff, Minister Golbery do Couto e Silva devised a plan of gradual, slow democratization that would succeed, in spite of all attempts and threats of the opposition offered by radical sectors of the military hierarchy and some terrorist movements the leftists would still try against the government.

Flight 182

Air India Flight 182, exploded by a terrorist bombing off the coast of Ireland, June 23, 1985

From a Whisper

Although the film commemorates the 10th anniversary of the August 7th terrorist bombing in Kenya in 1998, it is not about the terrorist bombing.

Gaiji Keisatsu

After the September 11, 2001 attacks on American soil, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department creates a secret anti-terrorist division within the Public Security Bureau in order to tackles crime, espionage and terrorism cases to preserve Japan's national security by doing black ops work to locate and apprehend spies and terrorist suspects.

The TV show follow a female police officer who was recruited into the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's anti-terrorist black ops unit known "publicly" as the Fourth Foreign Affairs Section, created after the 9/11 events in the United States.

Georges-Paul Wagner

He has defended in court Jean-Marie Le Pen, as well as members of the OAS terrorist movement who tried to assassinate General Charles de Gaulle at Le Petit-Clamart in 1962.

Heinz Fromm

He resigned on 2 July 2012, shortly after it was revealed that his office had destroyed files connected to the National Socialist Underground, a neo-nazi terrorist group held responsible for a series of murders of immigrants.

İbrahim Parlak

However, the U.S. State Department retroactively labeled PKK a "terrorist organization" in 1997.

Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains

It is believed that they were abducted and killed by proscribed terrorist organisations, mostly the Provisional Irish Republican Army, but to date their remains have not been located.

Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008

The inserted provision would limit the CIA to the 19 interrogation tactics in the U.S. Army Field manual, effectively banning waterboarding, exposure to extreme temperatures and other techniques used on War on Terror detainees after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Internet and terrorism

This grooming leads the recruits to become more and more entangled in terrorist related discussions and are led through a maze of private chat-room’s until personal indoctrination occurs which is often through the use of the secure software Paltalk.

Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, denounced the speech stating that Hamas was an internationally recognized terrorist organization that targeted civilians.


According to B. Raman, Jaish-e-Mohammed is viewed as the "deadliest" and "the principal terrorist organization in Jammu and Kashmir".

James F. Pastor

Dr. Pastor started his career with the Chicago Police Department where he served as a tactical police officer in the Gang Crime Enforcement unit combating Chicago gangs including the El Rukn, a group with ties to international terrorist groups.

John Aravosis

In 1998, Aravosis defended U.S. sailor Timothy R. McVeigh (not to be confused with the terrorist Timothy McVeigh), who was being kicked out of the military because he had engaged in homosexual activity.


Nikolai Kibalchich (1850–1881), a Russian/Ukrainian scientist, revolutionary, terrorist, pioneer of rocketry.

Konrad Henlein

From 12 September 1938, forward, he helped organise hundreds of terrorist attacks and two coup attempts by the Sudetendeutsches Freikorps paramilitary organisation affiliated with the SS-Totenkopfverbände, immediately after Hitler's threatening speech in Nuremberg at the Nazi Party's annual rally.

Manucher Ghorbanifar

Manucher Ghorbanifar has emerged as the probable origin of the information cited by Congressman Curt Weldon's book, Countdown to Terror: The Top-Secret Information that Could Prevent the Next Terrorist Attack on America... and How the CIA has Ignored it (Regnery Publishing, June 2005) ISBN 0-89526-005-0.

Marc Sageman

Bunch of Guys, counter-terrorism term referring to self-organizing terrorist cells

Martin Schibbye

On July 1, 2011 Schibbye was arrested along with the Swedish photographer Johan Persson in Ethiopia suspected of terrorist crimes after they illegally entered the Ogaden region from Somalia in the company of ONLF guerrillas.

Mohammad Ashraf Siddiqui

In January 2007, Federal Court judge Michael L. Phelan ruled that it was patently unreasonable for the IRB to have suggested that the MQM was a terrorist organisation in Siddiqui's case, when they had offered the opposite opinion in the earlier case.

My Friend the Fanatic

However, The Jakarta Post criticized Dhume for pointing out the ideological affinity between the terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah and the powerful Islamist political party PKS (Prosperous Justice Party).

Rabei Osman

Italian and Spanish arrest warrants suggest he became a member of the terrorist organization "Egyptian Islamic Jihad", one of al-Qaeda's backbone groups, which was led by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's right hand man and mentor.

Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion

Several days later, thanks to an electronic device found on Caze's body, Fateh Kamel, head of a terrorist cell in Montreal was arrested in Jordan and tried in France.

Rugby union in Uganda

In July, 2010, Ugandan rugby hit the headlines, when one of two locations hit by terrorist attacks was Kyadondo Rugby Club in Nakawa, where state-run newspaper New Vision was hosting a screening of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final.

Saif-ur-Rehman Khan

The Chilean interior minister, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, declared the Pakistani student a "terrorist" before the investigations concluded.

Samina Malik

Samina Malik, the self-described Lyrical Terrorist, was the first woman to be convicted under the UK's 2000 Terrorism Act.

Sudan–United States relations

In the early and mid-1990s, Carlos the Jackal, Osama bin Laden, Abu Nidal, and other terrorist leaders resided in Khartoum.

Sybil Danning

In 1977, she was praised for her role as a sadistic terrorist headed for Entebbe in the Best Foreign Film Oscar nominated Operation Thunderbolt with Klaus Kinski.

The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism

The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism is a 2004 book by Charles D. Ferguson and William C. Potter (with Amy Sands, Leonard S. Spector and Fred L. Wehling) which explores the motivations and capabilities of terrorist organizations to carry out significant attacks using stolen nuclear weapons, to construct and detonate crude nuclear weapons, to release radiation by attacking or sabotaging nuclear facilities, and to build and use radiological weapons or "dirty bombs."

The Little Drummer Girl

The story follows the manipulations of Martin Kurtz, an Israeli spymaster who is trying to kill a Palestinian terrorist named Khalil, who is bombing Jewish-related targets in Europe, particularly Germany, and the English actress Charlie, who becomes a double agent working on behalf of the Israelis.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1189

United Nations Security Council resolution 1189, adopted unanimously on 13 August 1998, after expressing its deep disturbance at the bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 7 August 1998, the Council strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and called on countries to adopt measures to prevent further incidents.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373

Resolution 1566 also called for the creation of a working group that will expand the list of terrorist entities under sanction beyond the Taliban and Al-Qaida.

Urim and Thummim

In the Christian fiction novel The Face of God, by Bill Myers, the pastor Daniel Lawson and terrorist Ibrahim el-Magd race to find the Urim and Thummim, as well as the twelve stones of the sacred breastplate, in order to hear God's voice.

Virgilio Paz Romero

According to the National Security Archive, Virgilio Paz met DINA agent Michael Townley and Italian terrorist Stefano Delle Chiaie in Madrid, in 1975, to prepare, with the help of Francisco Franco's secret police, the murder of Christian Democrat Bernardo Leighton.

Ziad Jarrah

Khalid al-Masri and Mohamedou Ould Slahi convinced them at the last minute to travel instead to Afghanistan to meet with Osama bin Laden and train for terrorist attacks.

see also